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Our Associate, Mackenzie Ruroede, spent several days in Chicago last month attending the elite American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers National Institute for Family Law Associates. This program, attended by our Managing Partner Jenny R. Stevens and our Senior Associate Jonathan Lounsberry in years past, is a comprehensive training
At The Stevens Firm, we believe in keeping our clients and potential clients up to date on everything they need to know about Family Law in South Carolina. Even if they don’t have an active case in the family court system, families are complicated, and knowledge is power. This month, we’ve
program specifically developed for associates of AAML Fellows. They cover topics like how to deeply analyze tax returns and corporate statements, the basics of business valuation and assessing retirement assets in divorce, and how best to prepare for family court trials and work with experts during a family court case. Our own Senior Partner, and AAML Vice President, Ben Stevens was invited again to teach at the Institute and will be mentoring several attendees from around the nation. Mackenzie was already a brilliant attorney before attending the Institute, but we know it will bring that extra star-quality to all of her cases with all she’s learned from the rock star AAML faculty at this year’s program. Making the Move How to Settle Your Kids Into a New Home Post-Divorce created a brand-new FREE report which is available for download called “6 Mistakes Commonly Made in South Carolina Divorces.”
Visit this site to get your copy today, and feel free to share with your friends or family who may need it:
About 40 million Americans haul their families and belongings to new homes each year, and over 32 million of them make the big move during so-called “Peak Moving Season,” which runs April through September and reaches its most hectic during the summer months. According to census data, a change in marital status is among the top 10 reasons Americans decide to pack their things into U-Hauls and take to the road, and that transition can be rough on kids. If you’re spending the summer taping up boxes and worrying about how to help your children adjust to the challenges of shuttling back and forth between two houses under a joint custody agreement, here are some tips to make your life a bit easier. Give ThemTheir Own Space When what’s happening to the family feels out of their control, it’s important for kids to have a space that they can retreat to and call their own. If it’s not possible to give each child their own bedroom, letting them personalize their portion of a shared room, or even screening it off from their siblings, can help. Double Up Coordinate with your former spouse to make sure your kids have essentials like underwear, toothbrushes, and copies of favorite books/movies at both homes. That way, a packing mishap will be less likely to trigger a full-on meltdown.
Create Portable Reminders Particularly for young kids, it can be stressful to be away from one of their parents, even if they’re spending time with the other. Sending them off with something as simple as a recording of you reading their favorite bedtime story can help immensely. Of course, moving away after a divorce can also trigger its own set of legal challenges, particularly if you’d like to purchase a home abroad. If you’re planning to leave the country with your kids, we can help make the process go smoothly. Get in touch with Senior Partner J. Benjamin Stevens, who handles international family law issues, today by calling (864) 598-9172.
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