M.P.P. Grant Crack starts new job at Queen’s Park
Who will be next year’s warden for the counƟes?
L’ORIGNAL | Time to think about who will occupy the warden’s chair next yearat thecounties council table. The tradition is that the warden’s position alternates between the mayors of Prescott and Russell counties each year but it is not an absolute rule. Mayor Jean-Yves Lalonde of Alfred-Plantagenet steps down at the end of November as the warden for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR). His successor could be Mayor Marcel Guibord of the City of Clarence-Rockland, Mayor Jean- Paul St-Pierre of Russell Township, or Mayor François Amour of The Nation Municipality, if either of them were willing to step forward as nominees. Or the matter could be left open for any of the current rookie mayors in the counties or one of the two other veteran mayors Gary Barton of Champlain Township or Robert Kirby of East Hawkesbury village to stand as candidates.
Deadline for nominations is Nov. 21. The new warden will be announced at the Dec. 20 inaugural session of the counties council.
TORONTO | The new Member of Provincial Parliament for Glengarry- Prescott-Russell,GrantCrack,wassworn inOctober25duringanofficialceremony atQueen’s Park. Crack says he pledges to follow retired MPP Jean-Marc Lalonde’s tradition of servinghisconstituents’needs,workinghard for the region at Queen’s Park, and maintaining integrity. “Mr.Crackisgladtorepresentallresidents
of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell and looks forwardtoworkingcloselywithmayorsfrom eachmunicipality, aswell aswithMPPierre Lemieux. This cooperation and hard work willhelpensure thatour regioncontinues to thrive,” he said in a press release. Crack has opened two offices, one in Rocklandat 345Laurier St., (613-446-4010), one inHawkesbury at 151MainSt. East (613- 632-2706 ) with a third one to open in Alexandria in the near future.
UCPR budget close to approval
If no major project expenses get added at the last minute, the United Counties of Prescott-Russell could have a new budget ready for next year before this Christmas. Counties council will hold a special morning sitting on Dec. 13 for final review and adoption of its 2012 budget. Administration will present the preliminary budget report during the Nov. 8 committee of the whole session for council review and comment. The final revised budget document will then come before counties council during its Nov. 22 regular session for any last alterations or additions.
Deborah Deller, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Natalie St-Denis, Crack’s ExecutiveAssistant,GrantCrack,KellyNixon,Crack’sspouse, andoutgoingMPP Jean-Marc Lalonde during Crack’s swearing-in ceremony. submitted photo
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