All School Handbook 2024-2025

aggression, emotional aggression, and hazing; these are defined in our K-8 Behavior and Discipline section later in this handbook. Discriminatory Misconduct can occur via any type of method, including but not limited to, face-to-face communications, phone, text, email, postings on social media, or other forms of technology, drawings, display of images or slogans on posters, buttons, stickers or clothing, and physical interactions. All of our definitions of the discriminatory terms listed above, plus details on reporting procedures, follow-up, and disciplinary actions can be found in our K-8 “Community Standards and Policies” section later in this handbook. WHAT PARENTS CAN EXPECT FROM LEVINE ACADEMY o Parents can expect that Levine Academy, in accordance with its mission, philosophy, and All School Handbook rules and procedures, will strive to maintain a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for its children. o Parents can expect regular communications about their children from the school: newsletters from teachers and from the school, periodic progress reports, and any additional communication necessary to keep parents informed about major school events or updates to policies and procedures. o Parents can expect to be informed immediately if there is a serious disciplinary matter involving their children. o Parents can expect timely notification if a child is encountering academic difficulties and parents will be kept informed of follow-up plans, actions, and strategies. o Parents can expect that Levine Academy’s administration will make a reasonable and sustained effort to accommodate their child’s needs and differences, within bounds of its professional capacity to do so, and that Levine Academy’s administration will communicate to parents the school’s limits and constraints, as soon as they become known, in its ability to be effective in helping their child to be successful academically or socially. o Parents can expect that Levine Academy will respect confidentiality and privacy regarding the school’s interactions with other families and their children, including any academic assessments or disciplinary processes and consequences. o Parents can expect that Levine Academy’s administration will, if it deems it necessary, make recommendations for external professional intervention, and may also make such professional intervention a requirement for the child to remain enrolled in the school. o Parents can expect that Levine Academy’s staff will model respectfulness and civility in all its student/parent contacts.


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