Here are some suggestions of what a sensory seeker and sensory avoider may look like and some equipment/techniques that may be beneficial.
Please keep in mind that there is no one size fits all! Everyone is unique. Most people will often present both seeking and avoiding behaviours at different times. There are times when that child may become over stimulated and need calming down, and other times when that child may be under stimulated and need alerting stimuli.
If you require more input, seek additional help from a professional.
Sensory seeking
What this may look like
Equipment/techniques that may be beneficial
Hand flapping Enjoys spinning bright or shiny objects Turning on and off lights repetitively Holds objects close to their eyes Actively smells everything Craves strong and unusual smells Yelling or talking loudly Producing repetitive sounds such as clapping Seeks out loud noises
Projectors Bubble tube with changing lights Interactive games
Aromatherapy Create smelling bottles
Music mat Music Sound tactile wall
Prefers varied textures Craves hugs and prolonged contact May play rough
Messy play Tactile wall or blanket
Chewing on inedible objects Choose strong tasting foods Have a large appetite
Rough play, including jumping, bumping and wrestling Crave pressure and tight hugs
Weighted blanket Lycra Resistant band
Constant motion seeking, running and spinning Engages in impulsive irregular movements Enjoys being upside down May not register pain or hunger Have more frequent accidents as they struggle to identify they need the bathroom
Spinner Peanut ball Rocker chair
Use educational prompts: mirrors and feeling cards to help understand bodily cues
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