INGREDIENTS • 3 Cups baby spinach or super greens blend • 1 clove whole peeled garlic • 2 tbsp fresh ginger, sliced
• 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper • 1/4 tsp ground turmeric
• 1/4 tsp wasabi powder (optional) • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
For garnish: • broccoli florets, lightly steamed • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, thinned with milk • Chia seeds
• 1/2 cup coconut milk • Salt & pepper to taste • Squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice
DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients (except those for the garnish) together using a high speed blender. Heat over stovetop until steaming hot. To serve, pour into a bowl and garnish with broccoli florets, a swirl of yogurt, and chia seeds.
EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Try this movement if you are experiencing hip pain. RESISTED LATERAL STEPPING Wrap a resistance band just above both ankles. Stand with both legs hip-width apart so that there
is tension on the band. Keeping your chest upright, back straight, and knees slightly bent, take a large step with one foot away from the opposite foot. Follow through by stepping in the same direction with the second foot, back into the original stance. Repeat this same maneuver into the opposite direction. Keep moving back and forth to the right and left in this manner until you have repeated the exercise at least 10 times. to schedule your consultation today!
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