Swansea University Postgraduate Prospectus 2021


JUSTICE AND EQUALITY Our research challenges conventional thinking and has changed policy to protect the futures of those most vulnerable in our society. We have worked to help reduce sustained inequalities in communities. We have shaped new law on the human rights of children and young people by providing guidance for policy change. Our research has directly informed policy on workplace discriminations by revealing deeply entrenched inequalities in Wales and the UK. We have reframed the way drug policy is talked about, and pioneered concepts such as promoting harm reduction practices including needle exchange programmes and opioid substitution therapy. We are influencing the care, wellbeing, and life-quality of older people, by providing advice and guidance through Wales’ leading centre for ageing studies; The Centre for Innovative Ageing. We look at the past and present in order to create a more just, equal and fair future for all. swansea.ac.uk/research/research-highlights/ justice-equality


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