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Scripture Press HIGH SCHOOL Student Magazine
tal, part of the Glendale Alliance Center, opened in November of 1966, is nearly filled to capacity. The forty- five bed hospital is administered by Miss Junette Johnson, R.N. She reports that more staff members are greatly needed to carry on the work. The hospital covers five acres of property and is operated by the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Prior to her joining the staff of Glendale Alliance Hospital, Miss John son was administrator of Suppes Memorial Home, a retire ment facility for the aging. Twenty-four-hour nursling care is provided, private or semi - private rooms, and special diets. Operated on one level, the facility is air-con ditioned and priced reasonably. Each patient is allowed the physician of his choice.
TEACH magazine, published by Gos pel Light Publications of Glendale, California, was named “ Christian Education Periodical of the Year” at the annual convention of the Evangelical Press Association held in Chicago. During its seven years of publication, Teach magazine has won this award four times. The maga zine was named “ Periodical of the Year” in its first year of publication. The award was received in Chicago by Mr. Ron Widman, Managing Editor.
Unique Bible-Study Plan for L Teens
y m U Î L L U S T R A T E D Helps the “nowgeneration’ discover the“now” applicationof theBible Today’s teens are different. They view themselves—and the world—from a dif ferent perspective. No wonder! They were born in a period of prosperity . . . don’t know what, a depression is. Or what life was like before H-bombs and TV. They feel the older generation has failed miserably—in matters of morality and peace—even in achieving any purpose or meaning in life. So they don’t want any preaching from “ old fogy” adults. They want to express themselves in their own ways. Yet, happily, many are also receptive to the Gospel—if presented so they understand and appreciate it. That’s what this new High School course is all about. With action photos, timely articles, a teen slant—and facing Scrip- turally the issues that trouble teens most —YOUTH ILLUSTRATED is the kind of student material they can identify with. It is their generation. You can be sure there’s no compromise on Bible doctrine. Christ is clearly set forth as Lord and Saviour. Teens get the message that there is no salvation except through what He did on the cross. And that He is the Answer for teens—today. Mail coupon or see your Christian Bookstore r ^ r — ------------------- n ■SPSCR IPTURE PRESS ■ * ScriDture Press Publications. Inc. p , Dept. KBA-97 • Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Dr. Cyrus N. Nelson (le ft), Editor- in-Chief of TEACH magazine, ex amines an award from Evangelical Press Association fo r the “ Christian Education Periodical of the Year.” Looking on is Managing Editor, Ron Widman, and Editorial Assistant Marilyn Heiliger. The plaques on the wall in the background represent four additional awards d u r i n g TEACH’8 seven years of publica tion.
Twenty-four hour nursing care is pro vided at Alliance Convalescent Hos pital. Evangelist Virgilio Zapata, field direc tor for Central America for the Christian Nationals Evangelism Mis sion, was featured speaker at a week long city-wide campaign held during April in Antigua, the capital city of Guatemala. The campaign was spon sored jointly by CNEC, Campus Cru sade for Christ, Central American Mission Churches, and Youth Inter national. It was the first such effort in th is traditional stronghold of Catholicism whose building remains as an example of places where early Protestants were locked in solitary cells and tortured. International Students, Inc. dedicated a unique foreign mission station in May of this year. The four story modem structure located in the heart of Washington, D.C. stands as cen tral headquarters and training base for the foreign missionary ministry of ISI. The mission is directed to ward the five million foreign visitors who visit the USA each year.
Evangelist Billy Graham is shown ad dressing part of the audience of 22,000 people in the first service of the Billy Graham Sentinial Crusade in Winnipeg arena. The service was the la rg e s t interdenominational meeting of this city’s history. The opposite end of the arena was deco rated as part of the one hundredth birthday of the founding of the Do minion of Canada. British, Canadi an, and Sentinial flags stand with the large figure 1867 to 1967 on the scarlet backdrop. Queen Elizabeth’s picture is in the center. The Alliance Convalescent Hospi-
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Standard’s all-new “ Graded for Growth” lessons make it easy for you to communicate meaningfully with your class—at any age level. Standard now offers a complete series of Graded Lessons, each geared to a particular level of understanding. So, 'what you teach will never “ bore” an older child or be confusing to younger classes.
Don’t let “ communication problems” keep your class time from being an enriching experience for yourself and your pupils. Send for a free sample packet of Standard’s “ Graded for Growth” Lessons. They’re available for any grade level, and adaptable to group-graded programs. r- t PUBLISHING Alhambra. Calif. 91801 FREE Send for your free sample lesson packet (circle age or grade level) Nursery (ages 1, 2, 3) Preschool (ages 4, 5) Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name________________________________________________ Position in Church______________________________ ;______ Street________________________________________________ City__________________ -State- _Zip_ “_KB9Pj STANDARD Cincinnati. 0. 45231 p $ _
Each Standard Lesson is completely pre pared with lesson plans, audio-visual aids, and reading material and is designed to help you teach with modem techniques used in public schools. Even if you have never taught before, Standard’s full instructions make it easy for you to express the timeli ness as well as the timelessness of Biblical truths and their application to the child’s own life.
Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e K i n g © B t i B i n e s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 5^ No. 9 • SEPTEMBER, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s DO YOU HAVE $ 300 , * 500 , * 1000 , or more to invest?
THE SALVATION OF CHILDREN — R. S. Beal.................................... 8 PAUL'S THREE-FOLD VICTORY — Vanee Havner.................................. 11 MY VANISHING HALO — Dick Hillis..................................................... 15 THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN OF APPALACHIA — Mrs. Clyde Ussery...............— ........................................................ 15 HOW TO KILL YOUR MISSIONARIES WITH KINDNESS — Jean Cerling Allen ..........-............................................................. 20 DOES YOUR HOME LIMIT GOD? — John Hunter............................... 21 ENJOYMENT IN ROUTINE — Mary Belle Steele............................... 36 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland................... 6 TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot.................................... 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore......................................... 28 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf......................................... 30 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert..................................................... 32 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert..................................................... 34 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser............................... 35 CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLINIC — C. Chester Larson..................... 40 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ......................................................................... 41 F e a t u r e s
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TRA IN ING TO B E A KING N article appeared in the newspapers some months ago de scribing the school which Prince Charles, heir apparent to the throne o f England, is attending. The school is located about 150 miles northeast o f Melbourne, Australia. Prince Charles is one o f 130 boys, fifteen years o f age and older, who go through a rath er rigorous physical training program along with their scholastic work. In the newspaper article, telling o f his forthcoming school ing in Australia, it was stated: "He will be expected to swing an ax with the authority o f a lumberjack, run six miles up and down a mountain side with no strain, and pass his scholastic examina tions. He will rise at 7:20 A.M., take a cold shower, make his own bed before breakfast. And at the end o f each day o f class, he will take an hour cross-country run.” The boys live in groups o f fif teen in bungalow-type dormitories, each o f which contains a living room, small pantry, shower room, changing room and boiler room. The boys must maintain their own living quarters. The school "prides itself on making self-reliant, independent, practical and physically competent men out o f boys.” One cannot help but pause and consider the contrast between this type o f program for these students and that which is usually experienced in the lives o f modern-day teenagers. For a youngster to clean up his own room is quite unheard o f and for any self- respecting American youth to make his own bed is utterly unthinkable, for that is "Mom ’s job.” Who would ever even con sider taking an hour cross-country run at the end o f each day o f classwork? Nowadays, axes are found only in museums as relics o f a bygone era. It is most unfortunate that the term "wood pile” is completely out o f date and very few youngsters have any idea what it refers to. O f course, the wood pile was always found out in the woodshed. And there was always a corner o f the woodshed where the ax and the chopping block were located. Too, there was always room enough in the woodshed for a wise parent to take his recalcitrant son there to impress upon him, in no uncertain terms, the facts o f authority and obedience. It is interesting indeed to note that during the era o f the woodshed, if these most signifi-
• Introduction to the Bible, including its his torical and archaeological background • A carefully organized commentary on every book of the Bible • The fascinating record of the formation and preservation of the Bible • Outline of the intertestamental period • The dramatic history of the Christian church through the centuries • A comparative study of other religions • Charts, maps, photographic illustrations, draw ings and indexes by the hundreds At Your Bookstore or write to A n MOODY PRESS, CHICA60, ILLINOIS 60610 dm $1600 CONTES! for WRITERS OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Send for contest rules and free Brochure on publishing your book. Dept. KB Pageant Press, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York 3 NEW LIGHT ON ISAIAH 53 18th Revised Edition by Dr. Frederick A. Aston Acclaimed by scholars internationally as the best translation and exposition of this monu mental chapter. 50 cents per copy; three for $ 1 . 00 . Dr. Frederick A. Aston 73 Hampton Road Scarsdale, N. Y. 10583 CAMELBACK GIRLS RESIDENCE A new concept in group living for the adolescent and teen-age girl. Problems of girls handled through Christian counseling in a warm, home-1ike, and pleasant atmosphere. Public schools attended. Rates upon request. Address inquiries to Directors, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Matxon, Camelback Girls Residence, 3324 East Camelback Road, Phoenix, A ri zona, 85018. JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach an evan gelical message, associate yourself with a recognized Church Body which will provide you with all the rights of the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 60601
cant truths could not seem to get into the cosmic consciousness o f a youngster by means o f head knowledge, they were very effective ly inculcated into his manner o f life through the seat o f his emo tions and by means o f a switch or razor strap. But apparently and unfortunately those days are gone forever, so far as the average teenager is concerned. With the elimination o f the woodshed and the switch and the razor strap has gone almost all concept o f what proper authority actually consists o f and what proper obedience actually means, until today the teenager is in control and the parent must be the obedient one. This may seem funny, but, alas, actually it is tragic. Forty years ago, a certain school o f educators assured us that discipline was not the proper way to bring up a child, but that instead we should encourage the sweet little thing to exercise his own individuality. We should allow him to do as he pleased, because in that way he could develop his personality to a greater extent than otherwise would be the case, and he certainly did. But alas, the fruit o f this sort o f ideology has led to the creation o f "little monsters” who hog the limelight in any group and insist upon being both seen and heard at all times and under all circum stances. Today almost everyone agrees that the woodshed is the best place to bring up the neighbor’s children, but no one seems to consider the matter from a personal point o f view and in connec tion with his own offspring. Tragically, the child is almost king in his home. There is little or no training or correcton in the home; there is no training or correction to speak o f in the school. So the little fellow goes merrily on his way. Someone has reminded us that the schoolteacher dares not punish a child for fear o f the Principal; the Principal is afraid o f the District Superintendent; the District Superintendent is afraid o f the school Board; the school Board is afraid o f the parents; the parents are afraid o f the children; the children, bless their dear little hearts, are not afraid o f anybody. What is good training for a future British king, we may be sure would also be good training for the men and women o f the next generation in our own land. A leader can assume responsi bility much more readily and with far greater effectiveness if he has first learned obedience and self-discipline. The plain teachings o f the Word o f God have been ignored largely in this generation. Admonitions, such as Butler’s "Spare the rod and spoil the child;” and from the Scriptures, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it;” and "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right,” are by-passed. A child has to be taught to obey his parents; he doesn’t have to be taught to disobey, because every child is a rebel at heart, but he must learn obedience. N o doubt it is far too much to hope for, but it would be a wonderful thing if in each home there could be a fairly rigorous program o f physical and mental training, moral instruction, spiritual development, and consistent and con- (Continued on page U2)
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by Dr. R. S. Bra/
“ ç o s h e w e n t and came unto the man of God to ^ Mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shu- nammite: run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well” (2 Kings 4:25-26). The ques tion which concerns us is the spiritual welfare of the child, and we can well ask ourselves this same question as we think about our own children. Is it
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an alarming rate. Upon investigation, the causes for this condition are laid to intolerable home life, faulty educational methods, mental derangement, and child marriages. The majority of crimes today are committed by boys under twenty-one years of age. The aver age home is nothing more than a place in which to eat and sleep because it has ceased to be a shrine for moral and religious training. The Bible is an unknown Book, Sunday School is an unheard-of in stitution, and reverence is an unusual experience with the result that we have a great crowd of un governable youngsters who soon find their way into all sorts of mischief. It is not long until the community finds itself burdened with the heart breaking problems of juvenile delinquency. The ignorance of boys and girls concerning the Bible is appalling and one’s heart is made heavy when reading the reports of experiments con ducted by teachers relative to a child’s understand ing of simple Biblical facts to say nothing of divine truths. It has been discovered that American chil dren are deplorably unfamiliar with the features of the Saviour as represented in religious art. It is not a matter of stupidity, for it is noted that the same children instantly recognize the features of well-known movie people and other famous public entertainers. One college professor took time to test a number of children in connection with Leo nardo da Vinci’s “ Last Supper,” generally admitted to be the most famous religious picture in existence. He made many interesting observations, but far overshadowing all the rest in significance was the discovery that not one of the children of a fourth- grade class could identify the central figure in this most famous painting as that o f the Founder of Christianity. They were equally ignorant o f the identity of all the twelve apostles surrounding Christ. Let us think of T he S alvation of the C hild So far as infants are concerned, there need be no worry on the part of the parents as to their saved estate. Every baby born into the world pos sesses a carnal nature for which it is not responsi ble. When the Lord Jesus died upon the Cross, He answered for this nature in every one of us. Do we not recall how John the Baptist cried out and said, “ . . . Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” (John 1 :29) We must keep in mind the difference between sin and sins. When a child reaches the age of accountability, which is a variable age, and comes to know the reality of his sins and especially so in relation to God, then that child must seek divine forgiveness for his sins at the hands of the Saviour. There is in the book of Job a pertinent ques tion, “Who can bring a clean thing out of an un-
In the confusing mists of life, chil dren need the guiding example of their parents to show them the way of Salvation. well with my child? Is it well with your child? We speak not merely in a physical sense, but more particularly in a spiritual way. It was a great day for Israel when Elisha ap peared upon the scene of their national life. Unlike Elijah, he did not appear amid thunder and flame, but rather he moved among the people doing the service of God and working his miracles. The story o f the Shunammite’s child illustrates this point. It did not take the prophet long to sense the anxiety upon the face and the heart o f this mother whose dead son she had laid upon the bed in the prophet’s chamber o f her home. Leaving the little corpse, she made her way to the man of God and would not rest until he himself had come to her home. Then the great miracle of raising him from the dead and restoring him to his parents took place. We pass from the physical miracle to the spirit ual miracle which needs to be wrought in the heart of every child who comes to the age of account ability. We recall reading of a train wreck on an eastern road. The conductor ordered his flagman to run down the track and wave his red lantern “ to save the other train.” We are thinking just now of the oncoming generation and with the help of God we want to hang out the red lantern of warning. A Christian man approached a heavy drinker and urged him to turn from his course. Said the liquor-soaked individual, “Do you think you can make a temperance man out of me?” “ No,” replied the Christian, “we evidently can’t do much with you, but I am thinking of your boy.” At this unex pected retort, the man dropped his jocular tone and said seriously, “Well, I guess you are right. If somebody had been after me when I was a boy, I would be better off today.” As we think about the child’s welfare, let us face A S erious C ondition Every one working with children, whether it be the school teacher, the social worker, or the Sunday School teacher, knows that a serious con dition prevails in connection with the moral and spiritual welfare of children. It is common knowl edge that suicide among children is increasing at Dr. R. S. BecU, D.D., is pastor o f the First Baptist Church, Tucson, Arizona.
ginal rendition o f continually is all the days. How many of us as parents have labored with God “ all the days” in behalf of the spiritual condition of our children? Oftentimes we never utter a word of prayer for them until they fall sick or are nigh unto death. Sometimes it is only when they have fallen into mischief that we cry to God to get them out of trouble and to save ourselves from embar rassment. We cannot escape the fact that the life and con duct of parents are largely reflected in their chil dren. If these young converts are not doing as well as they ought in their new-found hope, the strong probability is that the Christian profession of the parents is not making much of an impression. My sympathies go out to those children whose parents make no effort to help them in the Christian way after they have once found it. The times in which we find ourselves are perilous, and we cannot take too much care to fortify our children against the ever-increasing forces o f evil to be found in every walk of life into which our children will enter. I plead with fathers and mothers to believe in the genuineness of Christian experiences o f their children. Some fine stories are told o f the children of Scotch Covenanters. At one time a number of children, surrounded by the soldiers of King George, were commanded to tell where their par ents were hidden or be shot to death. In spite of the soldiers’ cruel threats, not one lad or lassie would tell the secret. As they were gathered under a tree, the fierce officer commanding the soldiers, sought to frighten them. “ If you do not tell me quickly, you will be shot!” the officer roared. The children only huddled closer and kept silent. “Make them all kneel and cover their faces,” ordered the captain. One little lassie asked to be allowed to hold her brother’s hand. All knelt save one bonnie lad who remained standing. “ I’ve done naething wrang: I’ll no kneel doon; I’ll dee stain’ up,” he said in his Scotch brogue. The rifles were loaded only with powder, but the order was given to fire. As the loud report rang through the valley, the children cried pitifully. Some fell to the ground in their fright, but others remained kneeling. “You have not prayed,” sneered the offi cer. “ Please, sir, ma mither taught me a Psalm; we’ll sing that if it will do,” said a little girl. All the children stood and as their young voices rang out in the words, “ The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want,” tears ran down the faces o f the soldiers. The officer himself had learned that Psalm at his mother’s knee! Before the song was finished, the soldiers hurried away and left the children in peace. Does not this incident show how little chil dren can love God and be true to Him even in the face o f the threat of death? God help us to believe in the reality o f a work o f grace in their hearts!
clean? not one” (Job 14:4). And David bore this witness, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psa. 51:5). Be cause of this condition, even children need to come to Jesus Christ and find regeneration by the power o f the Holy Spirit. The plan of salvation is as much for them as for any adult. Jesus said, “ Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom o f heaven” (Matt. 18:3). Years ago, I sat in a Billy Sunday meeting one night when he tested an audience o f six thousand as to the age when the Christians present were converted. A vast majority of that number found Christ before they had reached their twentieth year. When he asked how many found Christ after they had reached sixty, only three stood to their feet. Surely we must appreciate the fact that if children are not converted as children, many will never be converted. The boy Isaac was never safer than when he was bound on the altar of God. God develops and keeps and never destroys youth who are bound to His altars. The third phase of this subject to which I call attention is T he P arents ’ R esponsibility After a child has found Christ as his personal Saviour, too many parents seem to question the child’s sincerity rather than to rejoice in the lit tle one’s decision. While it is true that some chil dren may be swept along with the tide and unite with the church simply because their companions do so, this in no wise justifies indifference to the decision to accept Christ on the part of a child who has been taught clearly the way of salvation. Let us give some credit to the operation o f the Holy Spirit in a child’s heart when the Word is taught him. Christianity is not a childish thing, but it is a power intended o f God to reach children. Concern about children’s spiritual welfare should burden us if they do not make a decision early in life. “Are they all in?” was the question which came again and again from the lips of a dying mother. In her delirium she had slipped back through the years and once more was “ tucking in” her family. Had Mary returned? Was John in bed? Where was Tom? The mother heart could not rest until her brood was safely tucked in under the sheltering wing of her mother love. The book of Job gives to us the picture o f a father truly burdened about the spiritual welfare of his children. “ And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the num ber of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually” (Job 1:15). The mar
was only one way to be saved. Such a belief did not originate with him for his Lord had said, “No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” Do not forget that Jesus said to the Samaritan wom an, “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship; for salvation is of the Jews.” That is not tolerance at all. Paul said, “ Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” That is not tol erance either. Of course a popular modem writer says that when Paul wrote that, he was neither inspired nor inspiring! Paul kept the deposit commit ted to his trust. There are those who would have us believe that Jesus gave us a kindly Gospel but that Paul came along and built up a system of terrible theology. As a matter o f fact, the most terrible texts in the New Testament come from the lips o f Jesus. He gave us a picture of hell more awful than we get from any o f the apostles. There is noth ing elegant about the incarnation nor is there anything charming about One’s bleeding on a cross. The apostles were called the “ scum” of the earth. The very language of the New Testament is not classic Greek but the lingo of the common people. We have done the very thing Paul warned against. We have developed and preached “ another Gospel” to please comfortable sinners who want culture but not Calvary. We have not kept the faith. Paul was not only faithful to the faith; he was FAITHFUL TO THE FIGHT. “ I have fought
say that what matters is Whom we believe. But we cannot sep arate our Lord from the truths about Him. He said that we are witnesses not only to Him but “o f these things,” the truths about Him. We are suffering today from a strange variety o f Christianity that does not believe anything. Men are unable to give a reason for the hope within them. God has revealed Himself to men and there is a sacred deposit, a body of truth which we are to believe, guard and teach. Paul sets it forth at length in Romans. He declares it in condensed form when he writes, “ And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (I Tim. 3:16). Men have endeavored to sum it up in creeds through the centuries. Paul foresaw the day when men would turn from the faith and heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. We have arrived and some think it makes no difference what we be lieve so long as we are all pleas ant and amiably tolerant of every wind of doctrine. It is very popular nowadays to major on “ Judge not” and forget that we are to “try the spirits whether they are of God.” Paul kept the faith. He did not fall for that modem tolerance that says “ One way is as good as another.” His blasts against false teachers sound almost unchristian in this age when most people do not believe anything enough to contend for it. He believed there
“ ■ HAVE FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT, ■ I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4 :7 ). We have here Paul’s three-fold victory. He was Faithful to the Faith, Faithful to the Fight and Faithful to the Finish. We live in a day of flashiness and fitfulness but the scarcest of articles is faithfulness. There is ability aplenty but not much de pendability. God requires of stew ards that men be found faithful. Paul was faithful unto death and therefore there awaited him the crown o f life. HE WAS FA ITH FU L TO THE FAITH: “ I have kept the faith.” When we speak o f a man’s faith, we mean the act and atti tude o f believing. Again, we may mean what he believes. Paul was faithful to the faith, he believed the revealed body o f truth once delivered to the saints. Our Lord said, “When the Son of man com- eth, shall He find faith on the earth?” Both sound doctrine and the belief in sound doctrine are scarce today. The time has come when men will not endure it but instead will turn from faith to fables. It has been fashionable for some time to make fun o f creeds. But a creed is what a man be lieves and we all believe some thing. Some say they need no creed but simply accept the New Testament as an all-sufficient rule of faith and practice. That is suf ficient if we really mean the New Testament and not our own pri vate versions o f the New Testa ment revised to suit our unbe lief. There are those who make light o f what we believe and who
joy and he did. He was given the power to see it through. Here some of us come painfully short. We are poor finishers. We have beheld the sad spectacle of those who have run well through most of the course only to end up sadly on the last lap. Some grow weary in body, mind or spirit. Some strike a truce with the enemy and settle on a compro mise. It is easy to excuse such a procedure by calling it the mel lowness of maturity. It looks broad-minded and is very popu lar in this age when men do not think the truth is worth fighting for. Paul finished his course. He could have sung well: “My soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise; The hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. 0 watch and fight and pray, The battle ne’er give o’e r ; Renew it boldly every day And help Divine implore. Ne’er think the victory won Nor lay thine armor down, The work of faith will not be done Till thou obtain the crown.” f There was a crown for Paul and not for him only but for all who love our Lord’s appearing. God help us to so run that we may obtain while we look unto Jesus who for the joy that was set b e f o r e Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne o f God. Thank God, He finished His course! What if He had stopped before He cried on Calvary, “ It is finished” ! QjsJ
Some are faithful to the faith but not to the fight. While they believe the truth and their doc trine is sound, they smilingly hold that the truth needs no de fense and that it will take care of itself. Such people really play into the hands o f the enemy. While they blissfully refuse to fight, the enemy sneaks into homes and schools and churches and institutions created for the propagation of the faith and turns them into instruments for its denial. It is very easy to take a lofty attitude and consider one self above the battle but the bat tle goes on and we assist the enemy if we do not resist him. Whether we think o f it as the fight o f faith or the fight for the faith, it is a good fight and Paul fought it well. He took the initia tive and carried the battle to the foe. He did not merely hold his own. He warned us against the enemy, perceiving that wolves would creep in and spoil the flock. Such a policy is unpopular today and is often considered unchris tian. Paul condemned false teach ers and error; he did not try to see their good points or empha size how much they1had in com mon with the truth. He was a good soldier of Jesus Christ and did not entangle himself with the affairs of this life that he might please Him who had chosen him to be a soldier. Finally, Paul was FAITHFUL TO THE FINISH. Some are faithful to the faith and for a while they are faithful to the fight but they grow tired or reach a compromise and do not fight to the finish. Paul ran with patience to the end. His desire was that he might finish his course with
a good fight.” Faith is a fight, for the Scriptures speak of the “ good fight of faith.” Dr. Torrey said: “We hear of the rest o f faith but there is a fight o f faith in prayer as well as in effort. Those who would have us believe that they have attained to some sublime height o f faith and trust because they never know any agony of conflict or prayer have surely got ten beyond their Lord and the mightiest victors for God both in effort and prayer that the ages of history have known.” We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual adversaries in the heavenlies and we fight with spiritual weapons, clad in the whole armor o f God. “Think not the faith by which the just shall live Is a dead creed, a map correct of heaven; Far less, a feeling fond and fu gitive, A thoughtless gift, withdrawn as soon as given. It is an affirmation and an act That bids eternal truth be pres ent fact.” That means a battle with the world, the flesh and the devil. Paul was under no illusions about the enemy. He knew noth ing of the modem notion of sin as mere immaturity, the mistakes we make on our way up. It is high time we learned that the life of faith is no picnic. We are up against a formidable foe and a world set-up under the prince of the power of the air, the god of this age. It is a fight o f faith but it is still a fight. Not only is faith itself a fight; there is a sense in which we are to fight for the faith. Jude ex horts us to contend earnestly for the faith. Paul was set for the de fense of the Gospel. There are those today who boast that they never stoop to controversy and who seem to be above putting up a fight for the faith. Gresham Machen said well that the most important things are not the ones about which men are agreed but the ones for which men will fight.
Dr. Havner's articles are scheduled monthly for the coming year. Why not give your friends a subscription to K.B.? They'll enjoy reading it as much as you do.
C a b b u y in g . America is the land of Automobiles. Most Americans are involved in the purchase of a car from time to time. Next to a home, this is the largest purchase that people make, and yet it is fre quently done on an emotional rather than a business-like basis. Because of style changes, and high pressure advertising, there is a great deal of trading in, and for most dealers there is more profit to be made with used cars than with new ones. It is hard enough for the average citizen to exercise common sense when buying a used car. Consider the plight of the missionary who comes home to the USA on furlough. Almost always, for financial reasons, he must buy a used car. He has been out of touch and does not know which make is best. He is unsure about values. And he can very easily waste money on a vehicle that will give him much trouble and cost a lot for repairs. Whether he is for tunate or unfortunate in his pur chase, in about a year he is faced with the problem of selling, as he prepares to return to the foreign field. It was to assist in these problems that “ Assistance In Missions” (AIM, Inc.) was begun in 1960. The foun der was Garrold “ Tiny” Snell, who had a special interest in automobiles. He had raced cars, restored antique cars, and worked in automobile sales and repairs. He also had a special interest in Christian missionary
"Tiny" Snell, founder of A.I.M., Inc., now a missionary in Europe, with his work centered in Belgium.
work. “ Tiny” Snell commenced lend ing cars, free of charge, to mission aries on furlough. In order to give
tax-deductible receipts, this project was incorporated as A.I.M., Inc. The scope of the project gradually in creased, and by 1962 there were ap proximately 12 cars in use. Then the Lord called Tiny himself to the mission field. He went to Europe to help George Voerwer in his project of world-wide tract dis tribution. Cars and trucks are used in this work, and Tiny maintains them. The A.I.M. project was left in the hands of the other two board mem bers — Larry Burr, of World Vision, On a back lot In Glendale, California, an assortment of A.I.M. cars can be seen. Some are waiting to be picked up by mis sionaries. Others, worn out in service, are waiting to be picked up by the junk man.
This 1959 Buick convertible, donated by a local pastor, is the most glamorous A.I.M. car. When a missionary from Ethiopia drove it recently with his family, they put the top down. Cruis ing around in this open car was the most "sinful" thing they had done in a decade.
Known whimsically to the A.I.M. mechanics as "Queen Mary/' because of its size and luxury, this 1959 Lincoln Continental is the queen of the furlough fleet. Because of excessive gasoline consumption, its use is confined to local areas.
missionaries of necessity must have cars while on furlough, in order that they may do the necessary “ deputa tion” work. Secondly, the donor receives a tax- deductable receipt for top retail value. Depending on his tax situa tion, this can mean that the value of his gift may be much greater than its cost to him. The third advantage is quite appealing to many people. A person about to buy a new car can donate the car he would normally trade in to A.I.M. and then go in “ clean” to make his purchase. It avoids all the bickering and dicker ing, and the uncertainty as to wheth er the deal was a good one or not. If you should have a car which you would like to dedicate to the Lord’s service through A.I.M., Inc., you can contact the organization at Post Office Box 551, Glendale, Cali fornia 91209. BE
Every Christian organization needs money, and the average Christian giver is besieged from all sides with appeals for contributions. On the other hand, practically nobody asks for used cars, and consequently it is not hard for A.I.M. to find contribu tors of vehicles. The lack of money begets resource fulness. Sometimes there will be two similar cars, one with a bad motor and the other with a bad transmis sion. Combining the best parts of the two produces one roadworthy auto mobile. Perhaps a few dollars are realized from the junkman for what is left over. A little should be said about the advantages for the donor of a car to A.I.M., Inc. To begin with, he has the satisfaction of knowing that he has made a contribution that goes definitely and completely to the Lord’s work. In our present society,
and John Boewe, of Church Press (printers o f K in g ’ s Business). Through necessity, A.I.M. became a sort of stepchild of Church Press. Parking space, office and mainten ance personnel, and a portion of the necessary funds, come from the printer-host. Through contributions from in dividuals and car dealers, the num ber of cars on the road has now in creased to 35. Quality varies wide ly, ranging from a top of the likes of the 1961 Ford depicted on the cover, to the low level of a 1949 Chevrolet, which barely rates the classification of “ T ran sp orta tion car.” In every case, however, the volunteer A.I.M. mechanics try to make certain that the vehicles loaned are capable of cross country travel. Glen Smith and other employees of Church Press, take care of the me chanical work which lies within their capability. A certain amount of re pair work also is donated by Chris tian garage men. Missionaries are not charged for use of the cars. Their only cost is license and insurance. If, as occa sionally happens, a car gives out at some remote spot, the missionary is permitted to abandon it. If another car is available at the time, he is given a replacement. King’s Business carries an adver tisement asking for the donation of cars to A.I.M., Inc. This request has brought in a number of good cars. However, without any advertising at all, the demand by missionaries far exceeds the supply. Every year, as summer begins a n d missionaries come home, it is necessary to turn a number away because all usable cars are taken. Lack of funds is a constant prob lem. A.I.M. never has solicited finan cial contributions, a n d probably would have little success in doing so.
Dr. David P. Ruppert is a medical doctor serving under the Baptist General Conference in Ethiopia since 1950. Presently on furlough, and staying at the Mission Road colony in Glendale, he stands here with his family in front of a Ford station wagon donated to A.I.M. by a local physician.
by Dr. Dick Hillis Director of Overseas Crusades, Inc.
Out of China comes a revealing confession of Biola graduate’s struggles.
» w h e n I w a s YOUNG, strong and just twenty, I * * had a halo! Perhaps you would not have noticed it, but I could feel it glowing and growing every time I spoke at a women’s missionary meet ing. “ Isn’t he wonderful to give up such a promising career at home to go to China ?” at least one woman would exclaim. Or, “ I can’t remember when I have seen such a committed man — so young and making so many sacrifices for the Gospel’s sake.” Or, “My son is preaching in a little church in Southern California. How I wish he were dedi cated enough to go to China like this dear boy!” By the time I boarded the good ship, “Empress of Canada,” bound for China, both my halo and my head had been expanded by shaft after shaft of lighted glory. But I was soon to learn that, as the fiery heat of the sun bums away the halo around the moon, so the fiery trials of foreign service melt the halo around a missionary’s head. As soon as I lost sight o f my native land, I became disturbed by a sense of loneliness. This was no eight-day excursion. This trip was the begin ning of an eight-year separation from my loved ones, and I might die in China — or they might die while I was gone. Now I was really alone. During the voyage, my loneliness increased. Here I was traveling third class on a rolling ship plowing slowly toward China. The food was not good and, anyway, I was too seasick to eat. Most of the third-class passengers were Chinese so I could not converse with them. I grew sorry for myself. My halo tilted. But I did not give up with the first heat of battle; I fought back! Loneliness might defeat a SEPTEMBER, 1967
soldier with less stamina, but not me! Jesus prom ised, “All power is given unto Me . . . and lo, I am with you alway” (Matt. 28:18, 20). I claimed the promise, chalked up a victory, and readjusted my halo. The voyage was a long one but at last we reached Shanghai. With a thrill I drank in the novelty of the sights and sounds o f my adopted land for the first time. I found no time to be lonely, for my first days in China were filled with official appointments, meetings, and repacking for my trip upriver to the language school. In two weeks I was on the move again on a little river boat pushing slowly upstream on the Yangtze . . . a river both loved and hated: loved because its waters bring life to fields scorched by a tropical sun; hated because too often it breaks its muddy dikes and brings flood, disaster, and death to harvest and harvester alike. Who could be lonely with all the promise of adventure and discovery in this turbulent land? Adventure it was. While our river boat balanced the speed of her propeller with the force o f the river’s current, we jumped into a flimsy “ sanpan” and two sleepy coolies poled us to the north bank. At language school in the old city of Anking I found that here, too, there was no time for loneli ness. The days were busy from five in the morning until eleven at night with classes on mission orien tation, Chinese culture, and the new language . . . and each class demanded hours of homework. Be sides, I was in the company o f forty other mis sionaries, each as determined as I to conquer the difficult sounds and shapes of the strange Chinese characters. At last the six months of language school were is
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