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you can W IL L a guaranteed income for life to loved Ones. . . continues to work for the Lord! There is no need to wonder if monies left to loved ones will be dissipated, or unwisely spent for purposes contrary to your wishes or their best interests. It is possible to make your will in such a way that your friends or loved ones will be remembered generously . . . providing them with assured incomes as long as they live . . . and at the same time making sure that your money will be used for the furtherance of Christ’s Kingdom. T h e a n sw e r is W h e a ton A nnu itie s ! Through the Wheaton Annuity Plan, you can provide regulated sums of money by will for your loved ones . . . knowing beforehand that your gift-annuity will bring them a steady, guaranteed income for life . . . and your money will be working also “ for Christ and His Kingdom” . . . helping to train young men and women for lives of Christian service and influence. Please write us concerning your questions about Wheaton Annuities. There is no obligation, of course.
Medicine, loving care and distri bution of the Word of God are opening doors for the Gospel. sionary nurses as they labor in Appalachia. A Christian dentist gives one day of each month to provide dental service for the mountain children. Hundreds of individuals and churches have given generously that food, cloth ing, and other items might be pro vided for these underprivileged people. The American Sunday School Union is not essentially in the business of teaching people to read, doctoring the sick, or doing social work in general. It is in the business of leading the lost to Christ. But people who are sick, cold, and hungry are not receptive to the gospel. In meeting a real need o f the poverty-stricken illit erate, it is often possible to lead him to a saving knowledge of Christ. Then our workers are not only meeting a humanitarian ob jective but also a Christian objec tive. 0 3
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