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706. The Taste of New Wine — Keith Miller. Published at $2.95.
711. The Cross in the Market-place — Foy Valentine. Pub lished at $3.50.
802. Communicating Love Through Prayer — Rosalind Rinker. Published at $2.95.
827. Ring of Truth — J. B. Phillips. Published at $2.95.
831. Games Chris tians Play — Judi Culbertson and Patti Bard. Published at $2.95.
712. FELIPE ALOU... My Life and Base ball — with Herm Weiskopf. Published at $3.95.
713. The Secret of Effective Prayer — Helen Smith Shoe maker. Published at $3.95.
813. Your Marriage — Duel or Duet — Louis Evans. Published at $2.95.
838. Devotions for the Children’s Hour — Ken Taylor. Pub lished at $2.95.
844. Sexual Happi ness in Marriage — Herbert J. M ills. Published at $3.95.
829. Why Wait Till Marriage — Evelyn M illis Duvall. Pub lished at $2.95.
825. Living Psalms and P ro v e rb s — Ken Taylor. Published at $4.95.
826. The Burden is Light! / Early Will I Seek Thee — Eugenia Price. Published at $4.95.
710. A Life Worth L iv in g — C. A. Roberts. Published at $3.50.
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