E A R T H ' S J “ F O U R W Vii C O R N E R jiÿtfi'jr / / jjr really exist! A series o f military satel lites have detected the ‘corners’ in the form o f four plateau-like areas, so vast and subtle that ordinary means o f measuring have left them unnoticed until now. They were found to be about equidistant from each other, each covering several thousand miles. The first height was centered in Ireland; the second extends from New Guinea across the equator toward Japan; the third lies south o f the tip o f A frica and extends halfway to Australia; while the fourth is west o f Peru.” Dr. Robert R. Newton, supervisor o f space research analysis at the Johns Hopkins physics laboratory, said the findings resulted from “ radio soundings taken from six satellites launched between 1961 and 1963. These plateaus exerted greater gravitational force on the satellites and pulled them closer to the ground, thus revealing the actual presence o f the ‘ four corners o f the earth!’ ” THOT: The certainty of truth is not affected just because some through unbelief per sistently reject it!
A fter thousands of years , science is slowly catching up with some of the truths expressed in the Scripture! Despite the weak-kneed, faithless atti tude assumed by some — who think they have to apologize for certain un popular passages in the Word of God — it is amazing the way recent findings are establishing what the Bible has said for milleniums. In the process of the advance of true learning, many long standing “ scientific” (?) opinions — which seemed to conflict with the Scrip tures — are now themselves being discredited. A case in point is the ex pression concerning the “ four comers of the earth.” How the higher critics have gloated over that text — contend ing it proved the Bible was unreliable, unscientific, and the product of “ the uninformed and misguided opinions of the past.” Recently, the following well- authenticated report appeared which verified the accuracy of the Scriptures. Said the scientists at Johns Hopkins University, “ The ‘four corners of the earth’ are more than poetic fancy; they
F A IT H I. ITS NECESSITY (Acts 16:30, 31) II. ITS PREPARATION (Acts 16) 1. The Philippian jailer shows the preparation of faith. 2. Before his conversion he was: a. An awakened one. b. A fear-possessed one. c. A repentant one. III. ITS NATURE (Acts 16) 1. The jailer had to believe on, "not merely in, the Lord. 2. We must base our faith on Christ, not in our faith. IV. ITS PRINCIPLE 1. The principle of faith is the same as that on which we act in everyday life. 2. All business is carried on by the principle of faith and con fidence in others. 3. Faith in God is putting con fidence in Him and in His Word. V. ITS ORIGIN: THE WORD OF GOD (Romans 10:17) VI. ITS SEAT: THE HEART (Romans 10:9) VII. ITS OBJECT: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST VIII. ITS REASONABLENESS 1. Distrust was the turning point of the fall (Genesis 3). 2. How natural then that trust should be the turning point in man’s recovery (John 6:22- 29). IX. ITS POSSIBILITY: ALL CLASSES AND GRADES Hebrews 11) X. ITS REWARD: RIGHTEOUS NESS (Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:6; James 2:23). —Robert G. Lee THIS YEAR DO YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT BUYING RIGHT AT HOME.
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