Scripture Press HIGH SCHOOL Student Magazine
tal, part of the Glendale Alliance Center, opened in November of 1966, is nearly filled to capacity. The forty- five bed hospital is administered by Miss Junette Johnson, R.N. She reports that more staff members are greatly needed to carry on the work. The hospital covers five acres of property and is operated by the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Prior to her joining the staff of Glendale Alliance Hospital, Miss John son was administrator of Suppes Memorial Home, a retire ment facility for the aging. Twenty-four-hour nursling care is provided, private or semi - private rooms, and special diets. Operated on one level, the facility is air-con ditioned and priced reasonably. Each patient is allowed the physician of his choice.
TEACH magazine, published by Gos pel Light Publications of Glendale, California, was named “ Christian Education Periodical of the Year” at the annual convention of the Evangelical Press Association held in Chicago. During its seven years of publication, Teach magazine has won this award four times. The maga zine was named “ Periodical of the Year” in its first year of publication. The award was received in Chicago by Mr. Ron Widman, Managing Editor.
Unique Bible-Study Plan for L Teens
y m U Î L L U S T R A T E D Helps the “nowgeneration’ discover the“now” applicationof theBible Today’s teens are different. They view themselves—and the world—from a dif ferent perspective. No wonder! They were born in a period of prosperity . . . don’t know what, a depression is. Or what life was like before H-bombs and TV. They feel the older generation has failed miserably—in matters of morality and peace—even in achieving any purpose or meaning in life. So they don’t want any preaching from “ old fogy” adults. They want to express themselves in their own ways. Yet, happily, many are also receptive to the Gospel—if presented so they understand and appreciate it. That’s what this new High School course is all about. With action photos, timely articles, a teen slant—and facing Scrip- turally the issues that trouble teens most —YOUTH ILLUSTRATED is the kind of student material they can identify with. It is their generation. You can be sure there’s no compromise on Bible doctrine. Christ is clearly set forth as Lord and Saviour. Teens get the message that there is no salvation except through what He did on the cross. And that He is the Answer for teens—today. Mail coupon or see your Christian Bookstore r ^ r — ------------------- n ■SPSCR IPTURE PRESS ■ * ScriDture Press Publications. Inc. p , Dept. KBA-97 • Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Dr. Cyrus N. Nelson (le ft), Editor- in-Chief of TEACH magazine, ex amines an award from Evangelical Press Association fo r the “ Christian Education Periodical of the Year.” Looking on is Managing Editor, Ron Widman, and Editorial Assistant Marilyn Heiliger. The plaques on the wall in the background represent four additional awards d u r i n g TEACH’8 seven years of publica tion.
Twenty-four hour nursing care is pro vided at Alliance Convalescent Hos pital. Evangelist Virgilio Zapata, field direc tor for Central America for the Christian Nationals Evangelism Mis sion, was featured speaker at a week long city-wide campaign held during April in Antigua, the capital city of Guatemala. The campaign was spon sored jointly by CNEC, Campus Cru sade for Christ, Central American Mission Churches, and Youth Inter national. It was the first such effort in th is traditional stronghold of Catholicism whose building remains as an example of places where early Protestants were locked in solitary cells and tortured. International Students, Inc. dedicated a unique foreign mission station in May of this year. The four story modem structure located in the heart of Washington, D.C. stands as cen tral headquarters and training base for the foreign missionary ministry of ISI. The mission is directed to ward the five million foreign visitors who visit the USA each year.
Evangelist Billy Graham is shown ad dressing part of the audience of 22,000 people in the first service of the Billy Graham Sentinial Crusade in Winnipeg arena. The service was the la rg e s t interdenominational meeting of this city’s history. The opposite end of the arena was deco rated as part of the one hundredth birthday of the founding of the Do minion of Canada. British, Canadi an, and Sentinial flags stand with the large figure 1867 to 1967 on the scarlet backdrop. Queen Elizabeth’s picture is in the center. The Alliance Convalescent Hospi-
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