King's Business - 1967-09

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It is apparent, and very saddening to see, how completely the leaders of Mormondom ignore the plain teach­ ing of the Word of God, choosing rather to follow the uncertain teach­ ings of men. According to the Bible revelation, genealogies are classed along with fables, foolish questions, contentions, etc., and they are un­ profitable and vain. The Mormon leaders keep their people so busy with their church ac­ tivities, genealogical work, baptism and sealings for the dead, as well as “welfare work” that they have very little time left to think about the welfare of their eternal souls. In an article on Mormonism in the U.S. News & World Report, a Mormon woman who stopped going to church years ago is reported to have said: “ It took them years to give up on me, really. Every week or so there would be the regular caller, brightly smiling, and ready to talk for hours to show me how groundless my doubts were. But the truth was, I couldn’t take any more of that in­ cessant work for the Church — it was almost as if the idea was to keep you so busy you wouldn’t have time to stop and ask any questions!” Anyone listening to the Mormon Conferences over television or radio

these days would certainly be led to believe that the L.D.S. system has forsaken many of its early principles and has adopted the teachings of Christianity. One could only wish this were so, but this is not the case. To date of this writing, the “ authori­ ties” of Mormondom have never pub­ licly repudiated even one of the early teachings of their “ prophets” even though many of the Mormon mis­ sionaries will deny these teachings in order to make proselytes to their church. —Utah Christian Tract Society Bulletin, La Mesa, Calif. Used by permission. THE KING'S BUSINESS IS AN IDEAL GIFT FOR YOUR PASTOR. THIS YEAR DO YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT BUYING RIGHT AT HOME.

f r i i f n ■ a u L T s C R I T I Q U E by Betty Bruechert


“ K I EITHER give heed fables and I w endless genealogies, which min­ ister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith” (I Tim. 1:4). “ But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law: for they are unprofitable and vain” (Titus 3 :9 ). In spite of this clear, unequivocal teaching in the New Testament con­ cerning the gathering of genealogies, the Mormon system continues its frantic search for genealogical rec­ ords. This multi-million dollar business involves the labor of thousands of people and greatly enriches the cof­ fers of the Mormon church.


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