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ARCTIC MISSIONS, INC. Pioneering person-to-person evangelism in Alaska since 1951. Reaches Alaska for Christ through 57 missionaries in 20 centers—Bible conferences, Gospel team evangelism, camps and vacation Bible schools, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute, 16 mm. sound color film available on offering basis. For details, and literature write: Rev. John M. Gillespie, General Director P.O. Box 512, Gresham, Oregon 97030 BEREAN MISSION, INC. 3536 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63014 Organized 1937 • Member I.F.MJL • 9 Fields LABORING: in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Tanzania; Morocco; Philippines; Ecuador, S.A.; Barbados; Grenada; Nayajo- land; and among Cuban refugees in Miami. PUBLISHING: Missiongrams , official bi monthly magazine presenting news and ac tivities on various fields, sent upon request. B IB L E C H R IS T IA N U N IO N Over 100 missionaries serving in Western Europe. Others serving in North America among Jews, children and French Cana dians. Member mission I.F.M.A. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND MAGAZINE. Opportunities for service at home and abroad. 1101 E. 35th St., Brooklyn, New York 11210 B IB L E C L U B M O V E M E N T , IN C . 237 Fairfield Ave. Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 A Bible teaching ministry, both home and foreign, among children, young people, and adults. 130 missionaries, plus volunteer work ers ' conduct weekly Bible Clubs, training sessions, camps, V.B.S. Emphasis on mem orization and consecutive Bible study. Write for information and literature. B IB L E M E D IT A T IO N L E A G U E , In c. P.O. Box 477-KB Columbus, Ohio 43216 A vibrant, 44-year-old agfency providing free, attractive Christian literature to mission aries in 121 nations, including scriptures, tracts, and booklets. Write for information and free monthly magfazine. B IB L IC A L M IS S IO N S 69 missionaries; 14 countries; 33 years of Biblical evangelism, leadership training and medical missions — workers needed. Write for literature and sample copy of missionary magazine: The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions 246 West Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, Penna. Using the literary method of carrying the Gospel to the Jews world-wide. Distributes 7 volumes of the “Messianic Series,” written by Dr. D. L. Cooper to Jewish leaders and professional men, and single volume, “ Shep herd of Israel,” to as many Jews as the Lord provides. We solicit addresses of Jews. Publication, “ Biblical Research Monthly,” free on request. C an adian Sunday School M ission Directing Canadian youth heavenward since 1927 through camps, V.B.S., day school classes, home Bible, clubs, children’s Gospel campaigns, Bible memory contests and cor respondence courses, Sunday schools, serv ices, etc. Write for descriptive folder. W. G. L McAllister, General Superintendent Head Office, Room A, 177 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg 2, Manitoba T H E C E N T R A L A M E R IC A N M ISSIO N Founded by Dr. Scofield in 1890 Pray for the 700 CAM congregations and hundreds of national and missionary lead ers in “ our Samaria.” Help us present the best in radio, literature, and Spirit-led evangelism to educated youth and multitudes everywhere. P.O. Box 28005 Dallas, Texas 75228 BIBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 4005 Verdugo Road Los Angeles, Calif. 90065
Enjoyment in Routine
by M a ry Belle Steele
O NE OF THE GREATEST blessings of the Christian life is to realize that the great God, who created heaven and earth and rules in the affairs of the world, is present in the homes in which we live. His presence there gives value to the ordinary tasks which we carry on day by day, and makes lives that are something less than glamorous take on meaning. So it was that this verse came to be. Some household task, too rou tine to be remembered, occupied my time but my mind was not so bound with the ordinary. So it was with some surprise that I realized that my thoughts had taken on a rhythm that seemed almost musical. This was unusual enough to drive me to my pencil, and so the words appeared. The small facet of experiencing His presence on that particular day was captured. Many of these same routine tasks will be done while our fam ily is in the process of learning some Spanish here in Costa Rica, in preparation for missionary work in Quito, Ecuador with ra dio s ta tion HCJB. Shopping, cleaning, washing and ironing are parts of living which go on day after day with withering constancy. In fact, they become painfully “necessary” when car ried on in the situation of being in a country where the language is unfamiliar. One missionary of many years’ experience remarked one day that her work became dreadfully rou tine and was far from “ glamor ous” as many pictured it. It was necessary to remind herself of the vital motivation which had
A F R IC A IN L A N D M IS S IO N Founded in 1895 by Peter Cameron Scott Six hundred missionaries occupying five fields — Kenya, Republic of Congo, Uganda, Central Africa Republic, and Tanzania. Information and literature sent upon request 253 Henry Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201 Member I.F.M.A. ■MaMMHMMNMNNWNNMaMNMMMMOTMNMaaNN«MaMMaMiM«l AIR MAIL FROM GOD MISSION, INC. Founded 1949 by Nyles Huffman Active in : Mexico, Central America, Brazil • Dropping Gospels of John from airplanes • Light of Life Bible Corres. Courses • Gospel Films shown by National Evan gelists • Follow-up Bible Study Groups 4205 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90029 A M E R IC A N M E S S IA N IC F E L L O W S H IP Founded as the Chicago Hebrew Mission in 1887 by Wm. E. Blackstone Reaching the Jews of America and the State of Israel with the Gospel message. Daily radio broadcasts into the State of Israel. Write for tracts and descriptive literature. REV. ARCHIE A. MacKINNEY, SUPT. 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago 45, Illinois
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