C B F M S is a fundamental mission with almost 470 missionaries in 19 countries. • Biblically sound . . . thoroughly evangeli cal . . . related to churches . . . committed to faith principle of support . . . business like in method. • For further information write : Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society P.O. Box 5 Wheaton, Illinois Sending missionaries throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, British Honduras, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Special opportunities for short term mis sionaries in campus and inner city work. For literature and information write to: Dr. Rufus Jones, Box 828, Wheaton, III. 60187 THE CONVERSION CENTER A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAKE AMER ICA CATHOLIC.” Will you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, ive, write for soul-winning material. 8 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown. Pennsylvania To bring God’s Word to a little known and neglected people. To p l a n t indigenous churches on Pauline principles and train National workers. A complete program of diversified evangelism:- radio, colportage, children, prison work, open air, etc. W rite for free literature PX>. Box 1353-K Fort Pierce, Florida 33451 E V A N G E L IC A L M IS S IO N A R Y A C T IO N Worldwide witnessing with tracts and music. Reaching students at home and abroad. Please pray and help today. For Free sample tracts, write: REV. WILLIAM SWAAN RUSKIN, British Columbia, Canada C O N S E R V A T IV E B A P T IS T H O M E M IS S IO N S S O C IE T Y EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. Rev. Frederick V. Dabold, D.D., Director Serving fields of great need in Bolivia, Bra zil, Colombia, and Patagonia. A faith work for 55 years. Send for free magazine and information. 78 W. Hudson Ave. 132 High Park Ave. Englewood, N.J. 07631. Toronto 9, Ont., Can. Member I.F.M.A. G O S P E L M IS S IO N A R Y U N IO N Founded in 1892 325 missionaries working in Morocco, Mali Republic, Europe, Colombia, Ecuador, Pana ma, British Honduras, Bahamas, Mexico, Alaska and Canada. Send for sample copy of The Gospel Message and other literature to : Smithville, Missouri 64089 HOME OF ONESIPHORUS Completed fifty years of evangelical faith mission work in 1966. Rescues and trains orphans and refugee children in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Jordan. Full time missionary staff in each home. Ask for FREE copies of the Harvester —includes stories of outstanding Chinese and Arab Christians. Personal rep resentative available. George E. Hedberg, President Dept. 11, 3939 N. Hamlin, Chicago, III. 60618 IN D O -B U R M A P IO N E E R M ISSIO N Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Director P.O. Box 805 Wheaton, Illinois 60137 Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through National Missionaries in India and Burma. E V A N G E L IC A L U N IO N O F S O U T H A M E R IC A
brought her to that position, and the purpose behind it all that made it worth while. Since her position was one of office work rather than dealing with people, she became absorbed in the de tails and was not in a position to observe the growth or develop ment of a group of people. Life in any sphere can become devital ized and uninteresting. What have we as Christians to make our lives the abundant lives that we are promised in Scripture? As expressed in this verse, it seems to me that His presence takes any ordinary task or any ordinary day and makes them not only worth while but worth the effort of living to the best of our ability. Just one year ago, my family and I felt settled “ for life” in our home and jobs. We planned to stay in our home for the next few years until the children were out o f school and then find an apartment and continue in our jobs, spending much time in the Lord’s work as we always have. Why not choose one or- ganization each day and pray spec if ica lly for its workers? The challenge for personnel of our particular experience was presented to us in relation to HCJB and the work in Quito by friends who have frequently told us of such needs. We have always given such challenges considera tion but never felt the personal urgency which we experienced this time. And so it was that we began to move toward mission ary work. The Lord’s evident hand on our efforts in this direction could not be mistaken. The urgency which was presented to us as a challenge was translated into an swered prayer as plans and prep arations were made. The rapidity of change-over from church mem ber to missionary has been re markable. Every need was s u p -
P.O. Box 1256 Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Combining evangelism and relief to Hebrew Christians aand refugees in Europe, Israel, Asia, Africa, and South America, with a strong witness in America. 37 missionaries on all continents. Write for free copy of magazine, The Everlasting Nation. Jacob Gartenhaus, D.D., Pres., Robert G. Lee, D.D., Chairman Advisory Board. INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN LEPROSY MISSION Since 1943, supporting leprosy work in four fields: Philippines, A frica, Bolivia and India. Treats leprosy patients, cares for chil dren of leprosy parents, rehabilitates former leprosy patients, preaches the Gospel and provides White cross supplies. Write for FREE copies o f' GLOBAL MISSIONS and News- Prayer Letter. P.O. Box 8164 Portland, Oregon 97207 When you pray, do not forget this work. Thank you! Write us! L IT E R A T U R E FO R T H E M IL L IO N S , IN C . MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. 'Dr. John T. Dale, Director Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work ing in six tribes. Needed — more mission aries; prayer partners to form prayer hands. Write for information and magazine 6018 Droxol Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 MILLION TESTAMENTS CAMPAIGN, INC. Mrs. George T. B. Davis, Director Jews being saved in many lands through our Prophecy New Testaments in many lan guages. Our Hebrew Testaments reaching many Jews in the land of Israel. You can help by your prayers and gifts. News Bul letin and Prayer Card free upon re 37 SEPTEMBER, 1967
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