King's Business - 1967-09

plied in quick order and now we are studying Spanish for a few months. These days of adjusting to a new way of life hold many inter­ esting experiences and “ stretch” our personalities to new dimen­ sions. But in this, as in all our other experiences, we are finding His presence more than adequate to the point of being abundant. REFLECTED GLORY by M ary Belle Steele As I speak daily of trivial things May my voice never make a sound of its own; May only the voice of the Shepherd be heard Leading and guiding His sheep safely home. As I live here for a very small while May my life have never a force of its own; May only His vibrance and beauty be seen, Gloriously bright as His Heavenly Home. As I walk daily the pathway of life, May my feet make never a print of their own; May only the step of my Saviour be seen As on the face of the old earth I roam. As dear friends and I oft meet place to place, May my face have never a glow of its own; May only the radiance of His belov’d face Make His love and care for all to be known. MISSION BOARD HIGHLIGHTS CANADIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION C urrently , camps are being held coast to coast as well as VBS. We will have 120 camp ses­ sions this year—mostly for teens and children, although there are some Family camps. These camps are held on some 35 Mission sites, some leased and some owned by the Mission. I would say on the average that at our camps chil­ dren get a minimum of 3 hours Bible study daily. An interesting incident at camp this past week. During the time o f the teen camp, Jimmie K age

SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION An evangelical partnership of God’s people, devoted to the preaching of the gospel and the establishment of the church. Fields: Liberia, Ghana, Dahomey, Upper Volta, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Aden, Lebanon. D r . R aymond J. D avis , General Director 164 W. 74th Street, *New York, N.Y. 10023 or — 405 Huron Street, Toronto 5, Canada FOR THESE TIMES In the Chad Republic . . . development and change . . . but they still need Christ. How can they get to know? Only through dedi­ cated Christians. Some to go, others to pray and give. If you are interested you qualify. Please write. Sudan UNITED Mission 5537 N. Glenwood Ave., Chicago, III. 60640 189 High Park Ave., Toronto 9, Ont., Canada THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE MISSION (TEAM) MORE THAN 875 MISSIONARIES asslghed to 20 fields around the world. Send for sample copies of TEAM literature and the magazine, Horizons. P.O. Box 969 Wheaton, III. 60187 U N E V A N G E L IZ E D F IE L D S M ISSIO N At work in jungles and cities with every means possible that we might win some. France, Latin America, Egypt, Congo, New Guinea, Quebec Quarterly Magazine LIFELINE 306 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. 19004 132 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario UNITED WORLD MISSION Interdenominational in fellowship • Unde­ nominational in emphasis • Member mission —E.F.M.A. • Currently sponsoring mission­ aries in 17 countries world-wide. President, D r . S idney C orrell Mailing address: Box 8000, St. Petersburg, Florida 33738 W O M A N 'S U N IO N M IS S IO N A R Y S O C IE T Y O F A M E R IC A 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010 Our Fields: INDIA, JAPAN, & PAKISTAN. Organized in 1860—Undenominational, Fun­ damental, Evangelistic.^ Urgent need for Women Doctors, Technicians, Teachers and Nurses. Write for further information. WORLD VISION INT'L. Engaging in evangelistic outreach, Christian leadership development, emergency aid, mis­ sionary challenge and social welfare services in the name of Christ — assisting orphans, widows and lepers, as well as providing medi­ cal m inistry, relief and other humanitarian assistance. World Vision International Box 0, Pasadena, California 91109 “ Would that this Book were in every language ." M artin L uther W Y C L IF F E B IB L E T R A N S L A T O R S , Inc. P .O . Box 1 9 6 0 Santa A n a , C alifo rn ia 9 2 7 0 2 For added information on any of these organi­ zations, you may write directly to the address listed.

NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY 5 East 48th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 t (157th year) Rev. Youngve R. Kindberg, General Sec’y. An evangelical missionary organization, dis­ tributing the Scriptures in over 70 languages about the harbor and within the City of New York; Marine, Immigration, Foreign, Jewish, Negro, Hotels, Hospitals, Blind, Scrip­ ture texts in subways. A UNIQUE MISSIONARY MINISTRY NORTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION Formerly Marine Medical Mission, Inc., this interdenominational faith mission has evan­ gelized native Indians of Pacific Northwest since 1949 through resident missionaries, DVBS, summer camping, and itinerant coastal villages. Work«! in 24 Indian com­ munities in 1966. Write for free publication. William W. Lottis, Director 2205 Fir Street, Dept. K, Vancouver 9, B.C. An open door to preach to our Canadian Indians . . . but the laborers are few. Information sent on request. 58 - 18th Street, East Prince Albert, Saskatchewan O M S Interdenominational faith mission specializ­ ing in the establishment of indigenous churches on eleven fields through evangelism, medicine, radio, and teaching ministries. THE ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY Box A Greenwood, Indiana 46142 NORTHERN CANADA EVANGELICAL MISSION P O C K E T T E S T A M E N T L E A G U E International Headquarters 49 Honeck St., Englewood, New Jersey 07631 An aggressive missionary movement which combines mass evangelism using modern techniques and large scale Scripture distri­ bution. Currently conducting intensive cam­ paigns in Brazil, Viet Nam, Japan, Spain and France. T H E S C O T T M ISSIO N A faith work, ministering to the poor with material help, and spiritual sus- tenance. R ev. A . Z eldm an , M .T h ., Director 7 ,J d and others with the Gospel. Your pray- ’ ers and help needed to support Rus­ sian and other Missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and the America», sending Gos­ pel literature, and broadcasting the Gospel to Russians. Write For Free Slavic Gospel News | SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka. General Director. I Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzit Blvd.. Chicago, III. 60647 SOUTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION P.0. Bex 769, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 O bjective : T o reach the wild* tribal, primi­ tive and mixed-blood peoples with God’s message of Redemption. Write for free copy of “ Amazon Valley Indian’’ containing accounts of God’s mar­ velous dealings with these people. BOLIVIA BRAZIL COLOMBIA PERU 5 0 2 Spadina A ven u e Toronto 4 , O ntario 1RUSHING TO RUSSIANS' SPANISH WORLD GOSPEL BROADCASTING, INC. Box 335, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 Multiply your missionary efforts. Proclaim the Gospel by Christian literature and mis­ sionary radio broadcasts to the Spanish speaking world, now while the door is open and the people respond to the' message. We are receiving hundreds of written testimonies of conversions and requests for the Word of God.



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