King's Business - 1967-09

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TRA IN ING TO B E A KING N article appeared in the newspapers some months ago de­ scribing the school which Prince Charles, heir apparent to the throne o f England, is attending. The school is located about 150 miles northeast o f Melbourne, Australia. Prince Charles is one o f 130 boys, fifteen years o f age and older, who go through a rath­ er rigorous physical training program along with their scholastic work. In the newspaper article, telling o f his forthcoming school­ ing in Australia, it was stated: "He will be expected to swing an ax with the authority o f a lumberjack, run six miles up and down a mountain side with no strain, and pass his scholastic examina­ tions. He will rise at 7:20 A.M., take a cold shower, make his own bed before breakfast. And at the end o f each day o f class, he will take an hour cross-country run.” The boys live in groups o f fif­ teen in bungalow-type dormitories, each o f which contains a living room, small pantry, shower room, changing room and boiler room. The boys must maintain their own living quarters. The school "prides itself on making self-reliant, independent, practical and physically competent men out o f boys.” One cannot help but pause and consider the contrast between this type o f program for these students and that which is usually experienced in the lives o f modern-day teenagers. For a youngster to clean up his own room is quite unheard o f and for any self- respecting American youth to make his own bed is utterly unthinkable, for that is "Mom ’s job.” Who would ever even con­ sider taking an hour cross-country run at the end o f each day o f classwork? Nowadays, axes are found only in museums as relics o f a bygone era. It is most unfortunate that the term "wood pile” is completely out o f date and very few youngsters have any idea what it refers to. O f course, the wood pile was always found out in the woodshed. And there was always a corner o f the woodshed where the ax and the chopping block were located. Too, there was always room enough in the woodshed for a wise parent to take his recalcitrant son there to impress upon him, in no uncertain terms, the facts o f authority and obedience. It is interesting indeed to note that during the era o f the woodshed, if these most signifi-

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