King's Business - 1967-09

cant truths could not seem to get into the cosmic consciousness o f a youngster by means o f head knowledge, they were very effective­ ly inculcated into his manner o f life through the seat o f his emo­ tions and by means o f a switch or razor strap. But apparently and unfortunately those days are gone forever, so far as the average teenager is concerned. With the elimination o f the woodshed and the switch and the razor strap has gone almost all concept o f what proper authority actually consists o f and what proper obedience actually means, until today the teenager is in control and the parent must be the obedient one. This may seem funny, but, alas, actually it is tragic. Forty years ago, a certain school o f educators assured us that discipline was not the proper way to bring up a child, but that instead we should encourage the sweet little thing to exercise his own individuality. We should allow him to do as he pleased, because in that way he could develop his personality to a greater extent than otherwise would be the case, and he certainly did. But alas, the fruit o f this sort o f ideology has led to the creation o f "little monsters” who hog the limelight in any group and insist upon being both seen and heard at all times and under all circum­ stances. Today almost everyone agrees that the woodshed is the best place to bring up the neighbor’s children, but no one seems to consider the matter from a personal point o f view and in connec­ tion with his own offspring. Tragically, the child is almost king in his home. There is little or no training or correcton in the home; there is no training or correction to speak o f in the school. So the little fellow goes merrily on his way. Someone has reminded us that the schoolteacher dares not punish a child for fear o f the Principal; the Principal is afraid o f the District Superintendent; the District Superintendent is afraid o f the school Board; the school Board is afraid o f the parents; the parents are afraid o f the children; the children, bless their dear little hearts, are not afraid o f anybody. What is good training for a future British king, we may be sure would also be good training for the men and women o f the next generation in our own land. A leader can assume responsi­ bility much more readily and with far greater effectiveness if he has first learned obedience and self-discipline. The plain teachings o f the Word o f God have been ignored largely in this generation. Admonitions, such as Butler’s "Spare the rod and spoil the child;” and from the Scriptures, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it;” and "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right,” are by-passed. A child has to be taught to obey his parents; he doesn’t have to be taught to disobey, because every child is a rebel at heart, but he must learn obedience. N o doubt it is far too much to hope for, but it would be a wonderful thing if in each home there could be a fairly rigorous program o f physical and mental training, moral instruction, spiritual development, and consistent and con- (Continued on page U2)

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