BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

(3) The "Plan" means the the aerial photographs of the Epsom Racecourse and the markings thereupon, appended to this [draft] Order.

(4) The "Epsom Racecourse" means the area where the Claimant holds Racing Fixtures, within the red line marked on the Plan.

(5) "Racing Fixture" means an Authorised Meeting within the meaning of s. 14 of the Act, being a race meeting held on up to16 days in any one year at the Epsom Racecourse, including Oaks Day and Derby Day.

(6) "Horse Races" means any and all horse races taking place on the day of a Racing Fixture.

(7) The "Race Track" means the area between the crowd barriers on either side of the stretch of land marked with a yellow dotted line, starting at point (C) and ending at point (D) on the Plan. (8) The "Crossing Points" mean the 10 points at which members of the public may cross from one side of the Race Track to another with Authorisation, marked in blue on the Plan. (9) "Authorisation" means authorisation given to any member of the public to be in a particular area at the Epsom Racecourse at a particular time, whether by a steward, police officer, and/or any agent of Jockey Club Racecourses Limited.

(10) The "Stables" means the buildings and area where the horses are accommodated before the races, marked at point (A) on the Plan.

(11) The "Parade Ring" means the area where horses parade ahead of the races, marked at point (B) on the Plan.

(12) The "Horse & Jockey Entrance" means the point at which horses and jockeys enter the Race Track, marked at point (C) on the Plan.

(13) The "Horses' Route to the Parade Ring" means the pathway by which the horses are led from the Stables to the Parade Ring, marked with a yellow dotted line, starting at point (A) and ending at point (B) on the Plan. (14) The "Horses' Route to the Race Track" means the route which the horses take from the Parade Ring to the Race Track, marked with a yellow dotted line, starting at point (B) and ending at point (C) on the Plan.




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