BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing


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WITNESS STATEMENT Criminal Procedure Rules, r 16.2; Criminal Justice Act 1967, s.9


Occurrence Number: 45230060343

Statement of: Mark Hodgkins

Age if under 18: Over 18 Occupation: Police Constable 40632 This statement (consisting of 3 page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true. (if over 18 insert `over 18)

Signature: _

1 #P4540632 Hodgkins, M.

Date: 03/06/2023 21:13

Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded ❑

On Saturday 3rd June, 2023 I was on duty in full police uniform paired with PS 4871 BAKER. We were deployed as an

Evidence Gather Team under the call sign `EG4' to the annual Epsom Derby (horse racing) event in Surrey.

Following information that a group called `ANIMAL RISING' were planning to disrupt and cause issues during the races

were situated ourselves on the `GRANDSTAND' side of the racetrack. Our role was to look out for any suspicious

activity, prevent persons from entering the track and to capture evidence of any offences.

At approximately 13:35 hours the main derby race (THE BETFRED DERBY) started and the horses began racing down

the back end of the track. I knew this due to the big screen opposite the GRANDSTAND showing the race live and the

crowd noise from people cheering.

A short while into the race I could hear a lot of the crowd shouting and booing. I looked down the track towards

`TATTENHAM CORNER' (last corner before the home straight to the finish line) and could see a male (NEWMAN) in

the middle of the track running down towards the finish line being chased by a steward.

I now know this male to be BEN NEWMAN

(32). I would describe NEWMAN as a white male, slim

build with medium length brown with some blond highlights hair and was clean shaven. He was wearing a navy shirt, grey

trousers with a black belt, black shoes, and black sunglass



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