BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Co A member of the groundstaff clears the orange powder from the 17th green. Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters It is not the first time Hoylake has been hit by protests. In 2006, Fathers 4 Justice campaigners threw dye on the 18th green as Tiger Woods approached. Martin Slumbers, the chief executive of the R&A which hosts the Open, had said before this year's tournament there were "significant security procedures" in place with police to stop protesters - including plainclothes officers and stringent security checks on arrival - in light of a "very credible threat" being made at last year's Open by environmental protesters. Regarding Friday's incident, the R&A released a brief statement: "Play was not disrupted and we would like to thank the marshals, players and other spectators for their vigilance and understanding as the protesters were removed."



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