BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Rebel For Truth I XR UK

In 2023 we saw more record-breaking extreme weather events than ever before. Twenty-one species identified as extinct in the US alone, with many more unidentified all over the world lost to us forever . Our first day of 2C global heating. And yet our government has invited in more oil and gas, and weakened its net zero targets. They have been criticised by their own independent advisors, as well as the National Audit Office and a cross-party group of MPs. But the government thinks the truth is optional and dissent is criminal, pushing through tougher policing laws that the UN calls `troubling'.

WHAT WE DID IN 2023 There have been immense acts of resistance and hope across the world.

In 2023, XRUK set out a goal of disrupting power, not the public.

We kept that promise. In April, 100,000 people came out for The Big One, supported by the biggest coalition of environmental organisations ever assembled. This act of peaceful protest, with family friendly tents and a joyful spirit, gave people who weren't ready for civil disobedience a chance to show their compassion, anger and power. We targeted the industries that are harming us. We helped to shut down the Oil and Money conference, brought to a halt the Farnborough airfield and Luton Airport private jet terminal, disrupted arms fairs and blocked the UK's largest open cast coal mine, Ffos-y-Fran, ultimately getting it shut down for good. 1021


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