BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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The community assembly that tookplace in Haringey in November 2023 is one ofover20 community assemblies already happeningall over the UK. Localgroups work together with communities, other NGOs, associations and local councils to come tofairsolutionsfor the community on issues that matter to them. Photo: Tim Varlow.

Decentralised And we did all this through the power of an autonomous UK-wide movement with more than 200 local groups, community groups and campaigns.

When our rebels break the law in defence of life, we support them. We are glad to have had many wins in the courts this year. We are grateful to those who have put their liberty at risk in service of a fair, just, and liveable world. What we achieve, we achieve because we unite to survive. We worked with hundreds of other movements, organisations and communities, stood in solidarity with others, were supported by over 100 leading public figures, and put the climate crisis in the news. But our political system is failing us. Our government has failed to make the urgent changes required for a liveable world, despite the urgency and scale of the climate and ecological crisis. There is one answer to the situation we are in, an antidote to the lies and misinformation — we demand a Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice. 1024 485

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