BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

1. The Claimant shall file an Amended Claim Form setting out the basis of its interest in, and entitlement to hold Racing Fixtures at the Epsom Racecourse by 4pm on 15 March 2024.

2. If the First and Ninth Defendants intend to contest the Part 8 claim, they shall each by 25 March 2024 file and serve on the Claimant:

a. an Acknowledgment of Service pursuant to CPR 8.3, and

b. any written evidence in response to the evidence already filed by the Claimant in these proceedings, and/or any further evidence on which they each intend to rely, pursuant to CPR 8.5(3). 3. If the First and Ninth Defendant fail to file and serve an Acknowledgment of Service and any witness evidence in accordance with paragraph 2, they shall not be entitled to rely on any evidence at the disposal hearing unless the Court gives permission.

4. The Claimant has permission to rely on further written evidence, pursuant to CPR 8.6(1)(b), to be filed and served on all Defendants to the Claim by 5 April 2024.

5. The First and Ninth Defendants, provided that they have filed an Acknowledgment of Service in accordance with paragraph 2 above, have permission to file and serve on the Claimant any evidence in response to the Claimant's further written evidence by 17 April 2024.

6. The Claimants will serve the Amended Claim Form, its further evidence, this Order and any further Order in these proceedings:

a. on the First and Ninth (named) Defendants in accordance with CPR 6; and

b. on the Second to Eighth (Persons Unknown) Defendants, pursuant to CPR 6.15 and 6.27, by:

i. posting digital copies on its website and Facebook page;

ii. affixing sealed copies in transparent containers in at least 2 conspicuous locations at public entrances to the Epsom Racecourse; and

iii. providing digital copies to the organisation Animal Rising by email.

7. A disposal hearing shall be listed before a High Court Judge on the first available date after 1 May 2024, with a time estimate of 1 day inclusive of reading in time, in accordance with the Claimant's and the First and Ninth Defendants' filed dates of availability.

8. Any Defendant may within 7 days after service of this Order upon it apply to have the Order varied or set aside.

9. Costs are reserved.

Name and Address of the Claimant's Solicitors

1. The Claimant's solicitors are Pinsent Masons LLP, of 30 Crown Place, Earl Street, London, EC2A 4ES; +44 (0) 20 7418 7000.




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