BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

(14) The "Horses' Route to the Race Track" means the route which the horses take from the Parade Ring to the Race Track, marked with a yellow dotted line, starting at point (B) and ending at point (C) on the Plan. 2. The First and Ninth Defendants each give undertakings to the Court that on the day of any Racing Fixture at the Epsom Racecourse, he will not, and will not instruct or encourage anyone else to:


Enter the Race Track, except at authorised Crossing Points;


Enter and/or remain on any Crossing Points without Authorisation;


Enter the Parade Ring without Authorisation;

(4) Enter and/or remain on any part of the Horses' Route to the Parade Ring, without Authorisation;

(5) Enter and/or remain on any part of the Horses' Route to the Race Track, without Authorisation;


Intentionally obstruct the Horse Races;

(7) Intentionally cause any object to enter onto and/or remain on the Race Track without Authorisation; and/or


Intentionally endanger any person at the Epsom Racecourse.

3. The undertakings given by the First Defendant set out in paragraph 2 above take effect from the date of this Tomlin Order and will expire after five calendar years.

4. The undertakings given by the Ninth Defendant set out in paragraph 2 above take effect from the conclusion of the disposal hearing, to be listed pursuant to the Order of Mr Justice Roth dated 15 March 2024 (being the time when the Interim Injunction pursuant to the Order of Sir Anthony Mann dated 26 May 2023 will expire, and accordingly, the undertakings given by the Ninth Defendant to the Court, recorded in the Order of Mr Justice Miles dated 13 October 2023, will cease to have effect), and will expire after five calendar years.

5. There be no order as to costs as between the Claimant and either or both of the First and Ninth Defendants in relation to any costs incurred up to and including the date of this Order.



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