BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Beth Kelly

Alexander Richardson (Litigation, Regulatory & Tax)

From: Sent:

28 May 2023 13:14

Daniel Kidby; lona Wilson

To: Cc:

Julian Diaz-Rainey; Trevor Watkins

RE: JCR v (1) Daniel Kidby; and (2)-(8) Persons Unknown Sealed Order and Plan Appendixes - 26 May 2023.pdf



Dear Mr. Kidby,

Further to the hearing in the High Court on 26 May 2023, and pursuant to paragraph 5 (3) of the Order of Justice Mann, please find attached a digital copy of the Sealed Order by way of service. We should be grateful if you would bring this to the attention of all members of Animal Rising.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email.

Many thanks,


Alexander Richardson Senior Associate

Pinsent Masons



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Pinsent Masons supports agile working, so please don't feel you need to respond to this email outside your working hours.

From: Daniel Kidby <> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2023 10:14 AM To: Alexander Richardson (Litigation, Regulatory & Tax) <>; lona Wilson <> Cc: Julian Diaz-Rainey <>; Trevor Watkins <> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: JCR v (1) Daniel Kidby; and (2)-(8) Persons Unknown

Hi lona,

Thank you for your correspondence.

Further to my email yesterday, I have decided not to oppose the application in court.

Best wishes,


Dan Kidby Co-Founder Animal Rising (formerly Animal Rebellion)

"The times are urgent, let us slow down" — Bayo Akomolafe "These cows seem as rebellious to their owners as the people are to their kings" " Fynes Moryson 140



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