BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

course. There is also little significant fencing around much of the one-and-a-half mile course. Sir Anthony Mann, who heard the Jockey Club's application on Friday, said as he granted the injunction that he had heard "clear evidence of potential deliberate disruption to the race meeting" by members of Animal Rising, including "announcements of the intention to cause disruption" on the group's website. He also noted that there was "plenty of theoretical scope for protesters who wish to disrupt the meeting to have access to areas of the course where that disruption could take place". As a result, Mann added, there was "a fear that they will invade areas where horses are or will be, with danger to equine and human life and limb. Horses that participate in the Derby are young and inexperienced, and can be twitchy, nervous and hyped-up before the event. They may react by backing into members of the public or throwing their riders.


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Animal rights protesters arrested at the Grand National. Photograph: Tom Jenkins/The Observer

"There is also a potential financial risk if the meeting is disrupted, if there is no race or the race is postponed. It is attended by tens of thousands and broadcast to millions, and its reputation will hardly be enhanced if there is disruption by protesters or anyone else:' Epsom will be required to post notices every 50 metres around the outsidi gae Derby course - about 50 in all - to warn potential protesters that the injunction is in 134 153

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