BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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King Houston, a serial protestor who admits to multiple arrests, outlined the group's intent to disrupt the 243-year-old race at a briefing this week.

At the final "non-violent training session" in east London, he told would-be recruits they would "bond together" at "safe houses" near Epsom.

"Peas" [the term the group uses to describe its protesters] would be bussed with other "pod" members to the track, where they have been told to expect to be arrested for "public nuisance" or "conspiracy to commit public nuisance".

As well as drivers, back-up teams will be on hand to cook and clean for the frontliners, while others will wait outside police stations.

As well as spelling out what to wear, they were told they can have "anything you want" on their untraceable phones - "except your drug dealer's number".

During the training session, activists simulated evading police and were taught how to frustrate officers by going "floppy" to become a "dead weight".

They were also coached on how to block supermarket aisles and stage restaurant sit-ins for other forthcoming demos.

King Houston insisted he "never had a bad experience" once arrested, adding: "Honestly being in a cell is like being in a really s*** hotel room.

"There's a button in the cell to press, which is basically what I call room service.

"You can ask to just be let out if you're feeling a bit claustrophobic and they can sometimes let you have a walk-around.

"And you can get as much coffee and tea and water as you want. You just press the bell.

"I even had it once when I came out of the shower and I was like 'do you have any moisturiser?' and the guy said 'I've got some, you can borrow some of mine'.

"They'll take your clothes sometimes and give you a lovely grey tracksuit - custody sweats - which everybody wants to get, like you want to have the custody sweats...

"You want to have that grey tracksuit that says you're in the gang, it's so stupid. Now it sounds like a cult, I'm joking."


The Barnet-based fanatic claimed officers in Scotland were "the nicest police ever" and sang "happy birthday" to him when he was held at the Scottish Grand National in April.

He told followers he is a former actor who once performed as a "drag version" I danced" at her birthday party. BREAKING NEWS

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