BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

the British Veterinary Association said they are considering changing their position on horse racing after what erm we brought attention to. So... erm... Yes can I, sorry, sorry, Ben, I am going to press you on this. Can I just ask youagain, how confident are you that your actions tomorrow aren't going to put horses in danger? how confident are you that your actions tomorrow aren’t going to put horses in danger? It ’s not our actions putting; what is putting horses in danger, is the is the running, that It's not our actions putting; what is putting horses in danger, is the is the running, that horse are being made to run er a race with a jockey on their back and being whipped and being dragged around by a metal bit in their mouth. That, that is what puts horses in danger. Errn... pe-... we, so ... and and the precaution ... I suppose in answ- in direct answerto yourquestionis people aren't goingtobe runningout, directlyinfrantofhorses running it, yeah. OK. Forthemoment,thank youverymuchindeed. That is erBenNewmanfromAnimal Rising group. So the er Derby ... taking place, the oaks is taking place today, of couse actually and the Derby takes place tomorrow. Let us go live ... Rising group. So the er Derby… taking place, the oaks is taking place today, of course actually and the Derby takes place tomorrow. Let us go live … horse racing after what erm we brought attention to. So…erm… in danger. Erm… pe- … we, so … and and the precaution … I suppose in answ- in direct answer to your question is people aren’t going to be running out, directly in f ront of horses

Speaker 1

Ben Newman

Speaker 1




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