BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

OFFICIAL -Sensitive OFFICIAL – Sensitive


(For Criminal Justice related purposes only)

At around 16.45 hours large numbers of people were sighted in the woods near to jump 8 and

7. I sighted multiple people wearing pink T shirts and holding extendable ladders, attempt to

scale the outer and inner fences of the racecourse. I could hear screaming and shouting

coming from all directions as Private Security staff and members of public confronted them.

Private Security and members of public were taking the ladders off the people and throwing the

ladders onto the racecourse in an attempt to slow down and disrupt them. Additional Police

Officers attended my location both inside and outside of the racecourse to assist however there

were too many people running from all directions, and all climbing the fences.

I believed that these people were attempting to gain entry to the race course to conduct a

protest in order to disrupt or delay the Grand National Race, which was in fact the next race due

to be started at 17.15 hours.

I sighted a male wearing a pink t shirt scale the green inner fence at incredible speed. I was at

least the width of the race track away from him as I was close to the road that runs alongside

the race track. I crossed the race track towards him and as he negotiated the top of the fence,

he rips the front of his t shirt, lands on the floor and runs away from me to my left, towards jump

8 "CANAL TURN". I attempted to trip him but just missed his left ankle. I continued to chase 8 ''CANAL TURN''. I attempted to trip him but just missed his left ankle. I continued to chase

the male and I saw him reach into his pocket and pour something into his hands and he

dropped a white lid in the process.

I believed that he had super glue and was going to attempt to glue himself onto or around the

CANAL TURN jump. If successful, this could have caused significant disruption to the race

event and the tens of thousands of public in attendance, as the Grand National Race could

possibly be delayed or even cancelled.


OFFICIAL - Sensitive

Aug 2021

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