BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

OFFICIAL -Sensitive OFFICIAL – Sensitive


(For Criminal Justice related purposes only)

As he stopped next to the right hand side of the jump, he placed his hands together with his

arms around the fence structure. This allowed me to catch the male and I wrapped my arms

around him and pulled him off fencing. We both fell onto the grass floor and I was quickly

surrounded by racecourse staff and official photographers who assisted me control the male

whilst we both caught our breath.

I pointed out the offences of aggravated trespass and causing a public nuisance. At 17.00

hours I cautioned the male. He made no reply and I informed him that I was placing him under

arrest. I told the male that his arrest was necessary to verify his name and address, prevent

damage to property and to prevent harm to himself.

I handcuffed the male to the rear and double locked them for safety. I searched the male and I handcuffed the male to the rear and double locked them for safety. I searched the male and

found only a phone and a bank card under the name Benjamin NEWMAN. The male refused to

confirm his name and date of birth. The male did not have a valid ticket or pass for the days


The male had a ripped pink t shirt on with Animal Rising in white writing. He had dark hair with

light highlights. He had blue jeans and light suede trainers on.

I remained with the male until 2 Special Constables took over in order to transport the male to a

Custody Suite on my behalf at around 18.45 hours. I did not see the male again and I had no

further dealings with him. I was deployed to another area within the race course in order to deal

with further protesters.

These are my original notes.


OFFICIAL - Sensitive

Aug 2021

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