BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing


OFFICIAL Sensitive (When completed)

WITNESS STATEMENT Criminal Procedure Rules, r 16.2; Criminal Justice Act 1967, s.9



Occurrence Number: 45230060343


Age if under 18: Over 18 Occupation: POLICE CONSTABLE This statement (consisting of THREE page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true. (if over 18 insert `over 18)

Signature: _

1 #P4541191 STEVENS, K.

Date: 07/06/2023 14:12

Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded ❑

This statement is made in relation to assistance I have provided during my deployment EPSOM DERBY, EPSOM

RACECOURSE on SATURDAY 3RD JUNE 2023. I was deployed as a forwards intelligence officer under call sign

INDIA 1 with PC 41540 KING, and we were tasked with watching members of the public in case any protest was to take

place. I was in full uniform and wearing police issued PPE.

Within this statement I will discuss attempting to intervene when a male who I now know to be a Ben NEWMAN who

trespassed onto a live track at EPSOM DOWNS. I was part of a team managing the LONSDALE ENCLOSURE which

was situated opposite the Grandstand and had a large number of members of public in it with coaches parked inside the

enclosure. This enclosure was directly opposite the Grandstand and I was tasked with observing this area for the day. From

my viewpoint observing the LONSDALE ENCLOSURE I was stood between the public barrier which I would describe as

a full white fence with no open points of get through, and the race lining barrier which I would describe as a single white

length of plastic. This meant I had easy access onto the race course if needed.

At approximately 1333 HRS I have been stood between the main public barrier and the track lining barrier. The horses had

all made their way to the start of the Derby Main race and regular updates were given over loud speakers that the horses

were being loaded into the starting stalls. There was a general buzz as everyone in the LONDSDALE Enclosure was

excited for the main race of the day. This was visible over in the Grandstand area as well. Members of public began

approaching the public barrier so they could get a better view of the race track. The loud speaker has then announced that

the main race has started. I was not aware of the exact timing that the race had started but the cheering of the public had

started and the race was being shown on large screens in the LONSDALE Enclosure so it was clear that the race had

started. I have kept constant observations on the crowd as I was concerned that public may attempt to access the track due


to the briefing we had rece'ved at the start of our shift regarding potential track incursions. I was c121Gghing


OFFICIAL Sensitive (When completed)


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