BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

N244 Application notice (01.21)

0 Crown copyright 2021

1. What is your name or, if you are a legal representative, the name of your firm?

Pinsent Masons LLP

►z Claimant

Legal Representative


2. Are you a

❑Other (please specify)

If you are a legal representative whom do you represent?


3. What order are you asking the court to make and why?

1. An interim injunction restraining the Defendants from: a. committing acts of trespass on the Claimant's land, as set out at subparagraphs 2(1)-(5) and 2(5)-(7) of the draft Order; b. breaching s. 2(2)(e) of the Byelaws made by The Epsom a Walton Downs Conservators by virtue of s. 11 of the Epsom and Walton Regulation Act 1984 (18 October 2005), as set out at subparagraphs 2(6)-(8) of the draft Order. 2. Permission to serve the Claim Documents (as defined in the draft Order) and the Order on the Second to Eighth Defendants by alternative means as set out at paragraph 3 of the draft Order, pursuant to CPR 6.15 and 6.27 (and for the purposes of 81.4(c) and (d)). 3. Directions for future case management. The reasons for seeking the relief are set out in the witness statements listed under section 10 below.


4. Have you attached a draft of the order you are applying for?


Mat a hearing

❑without a hearing

5. How do you want to have this application dealt with?

❑at a telephone hearing


6. How long do you think the hearing will last? Is this time estimate agreed by all parties?




►z No


7. Give details of any fixed trial date or period

High Court Judge

8. What level of Judge does your hearing need?

Each of the Defendants, as set out at paragraph 3 of the draft Order.

9. Who should be served with this application?

9a. Please give the service address, (other than details of the claimant or defendant) of any party named in question 9.




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