BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

(1) posting digital copies of the Claim Documents on its website and the website of the Epsom Racecourse;

(2) affixing sealed copies of the Claim Documents in transparent containers in at least 2 conspicuous locations at public entrances to the Epsom Racecourse;

providing digital copies to the organisation Animal Rising by email.


4. The Claimant shall effect personal service of the Order on the First Defendant.

5. The Claimant shall attach a copy of the Order together with the Claim Documents in each of the steps set out in paragraph 3 above, thereby effecting good and sufficient service of this Order on the Second to Eighth Defendants, including for the purposes of CPR 81.4.


6. The Defendants and/or any other person affected by this Order may apply to the court at any time to vary or discharge it, but if they wish to do so they must give the Claimant's solicitors notice in writing at least 48 hours beforehand.

7. Any person applying to vary or discharge this Order must provide his or her full name and address, and an address for service.

8. The Claimants have liberty to apply to extend or vary this Order, or for further directions.

9. Costs reserved.

Name and Address of Claimant's Solicitors

10. The Claimant's solicitors are Pinsent Masons LLP, of 30 Crown Place, Earl Street, London, EC2A 4ES; +44 (0) 20 7418 7000.

Interpretation of this Order

11. In this Order the words "he" "him" or "his" include "she" or "her" and "it" or "its".

12. Where there are two or more Defendants then (unless the contrary appears)


References to "the Defendant" mean both or all of them;

(2) An Order requiring "the Defendant" to do or not to do anything requires each Defendant to do or not to do it.

The Effect of this Order

13. A Defendant who is an individual who is ordered not to do something must not do it himself or in any other way. He must not do it through others acting on his behalf or on his instructions or with his encouragement.




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