BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Name of court

Acknowledgment of service (Part 8 claim) You should read the `notes for defendant' attached to the claim form which will tellyou how to complete this form, and when and where to send it.

Claim number

Name of claimant (including any reference)

Name of defendant (including any reference)

Tick and complete sections A - E as appropriate. In all cases you must complete sections F and G

Section A

I do not intend to contest this claim

Give details of any order, direction, etc. you are seeking from the court.

Section B

I intend to contest this claim Give brief details of any different remedy you are seeking.


Pag215 ©Crown copyright 2022

N210 Acknowledgment of service (CPR Part 8) (11.22)

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