BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

The Effect of this Order

13. A Defendant who is an individual who is ordered not to do something must not do it himself or in any other way. He must not do it through others acting on his behalf or on his instructions or with his encouragement.

26 May 2023


Witness statements

The Judge read the Witness Statements of the following individuals before making this Order:

(1) Nevin Truesdale, Group Chief Executive of the Claimant;

(2) Dickon White, Aintree and North-West Regional Director of the Claimant;

(3) Amy Starkey, Managing Director of the Claimant;

(4) Simon Knapp, Senior Veterinary Officer for London Region Races for the Claimant;

(5) Julian Diaz-Rainey, Partner of Pinsent Masons.


Undertaking given to the Court by the Claimant

If the Court later finds that this Order has caused loss to the Defendants or any other Party served with or notified of this Order and decides that the Defendants or other Party should be compensated for that loss, the Claimant will comply with any Order the Court may make.


Witness statement: service




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