BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

21/05/2023, 20:28

Militant animal rights activists storm the Grand National: 118 'Animal Rising' protesters arrested I Daily Mail Online

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Trainer of winner Corach Rambler Lucinda Russell also took victory in 2017 with her horse One For Arthur.

Corach Rambler cost only £17,000, chicken feed in racing terms, and Russell admits she only agreed to buy him to 'indulge' her partner and assistant trainer Peter Scudamore, who had taken a shine to him at the sales.

Still, the successful purchase nearly never happened. Russell and Scudamore had to leave the sale and the bidding was left to Scudamore's youngest son, Michael.

He forgot and, having gone for a cup of coffee, needed to make a mad dash back to the auction ring after taking a call from his motorway-bound father asking if he had secured Corach Rambler.

Luckily, Michael got there in time to lodge the successful bid, but Russell admits thoughts of Aintree and Cheltenham had never crossed her mind for the gelding.

She hoped he might win a few small chases at the northern tracks.

What Corach Rambler has achieved for the seven-strong syndicate — including a 21-year-old Edinburgh University student — who paid £3,000 each has far exceeded expectations. The MoS revealed two weeks ago how militant vegans and animal rights campaigners planned to storm security fences before the race at Aintree, then glue themselves together as a human barricade and sit across the course. Previously the police announced they would 'robustly' defend the races and its main event, which should have started at 5:15pm, from the militant vegans and animal rights campaigners. A MoS undercover journalist secretly filmed as Patterson, 33, allegedly boasted that the stunt by the Animal Rising campaign group, which was previously known as Animal Rebellion, would have a worldwide impact. 'We have 600million people viewing this horse race worldwide, we've got £300million of bets on the horse race, and we're just going to ruin it,' she said. The MoS understands that Patterson was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause public nuisance as she and other activists made their way to Aintree on Merseyside. Sources at Animal Rising believe her arrest was linked to the MoS handing over a dossier of evidence to Merseyside Police. 308 Crowds turned out to enjoy a day at the races despite fears of disruption. Racegoers made their way into Aintree Racecourse past about 50 protesters, holding Animal Rising banners and flags. NT1/45 89 17/33

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