BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Jockey Club Racecourses Limited

Directors' report

The directors present their annual report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

Directors The directors during the year and since the year end were: S Clark I Renton A Starkey N Truesdale

None of the directors had any interests in the share capital of the company or of any other group company during the year. The following information is not shown in the directors' report as it has been included in the strategic report under s414C(11): • Financial risk management, objectives and policies • Exposure to risks • Future developments • Post balance sheet events Environment The company recognises the importance of its environmental responsibilities and takes corporate social responsibilities seriously. The company is mindful of the need to conserve all forms of energy in order to minimise the impact upon the environment. As well as moving towards more efficient uses of energy, the company will strive to source energy from renewable sources. The Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting disclosures can be found in the group financial statements for Jockey Club Racecourses (Holdings) Limited. Employee engagement The Board considers it very important that colleagues are kept informed about both the financial performance of the Group, factors impacting the wider industry and more general employment related matters. Every business day an email is sent to all colleagues summarising the instances where companies within the Group have been mentioned in the media along with other important news events in both horseracing and the wider sport industry. Regular communications are sent to all colleagues updating them on new Group policies such as safeguarding or CCO compliance. There is also a regular 'five in five' communication sent to all colleagues covering noteworthy events, colleague achievements, and calls to action. Colleague feedback is actively sought by management. The Board has sponsored the creation of a Business Involvement Group which has representatives from all areas of the group. The BIG Chair and/or Deputy Chair will attend the Executive Board meeting every quarter to update on actions and initiatives. The focus of the BIG is to improve two way communication throughout the group. Colleagues are routinely consulted regarding changes in their working environment and organisational changes. Consultations can be on a one to one basis, in a group and/or a combination of both (including via the BIG). We have also invested in a partnership with Culture Amp, the market leading Colleague Experience platform, enabling us to measure and take action on our colleagues' engagement and feedback. There are a number of regular communications meetings. We regularly hold virtual all colleague 'Town Hall' meetings to share and update on group activities. Group-wide Colleague Days are held every 18 months along with more regular senior management forums and regular regional update meetings. In addition, specialist functional areas meet on a regular basis such as the bi-annual Clerks of the Course meetings, the annual Head Groundpersons' meeting, bi-annual marketing conferences, General Managers' meetings and quarterly Health and Safety meetings. We encourage the involvement of employees in the Group's performance through a bonus scheme called Sharing in our Success. This is calculated and paid annually based on the financial performance of the Group compared to its 3528 352



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