BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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fishing, as well as horse racing. I refer to the Witness Statement of Nevin Truesdale for further detail on what is known by the Jockey Club in respect of Animal Rising.


On 2 May 2023, at 11:11am, the Jockey Club received an email from a member of Animal Rising, Kern Waters. Ms Waters advised that she was writing on behalf of Animal Rising, noting that they were the group responsible for disrupting the Grand National at Aintree and the Scottish Grand National at Ayr, on 15 and 22 April 2023, respectively. Ms Waters advised that the purpose of the email was to inform the Jockey Club that Animal Rising had that day announced plans to mobilise 1000 people to disrupt the Epsom Derby, due to be held on 3 June 2023 (the "Derby")1. She proposed that the Jockey Club and Animal Rising hold an in-person meeting, to better understand one another and our respective aims [page 7 of AS1]. Nevin Truesdale responded on behalf of the Jockey Club on 3 May 2023 at 13:30, confirming that the Jockey Club would be happy to meet with Animal Rising ahead of the Derby, suggesting that the meeting be in London and that it would be sensible for representatives of the British Horseracing Authority also to be in attendance [pages 6- 7 of AS1]. representatives of the British Horseracing Authority also to be in attendance [ pages 6- 7 of AS1 ]. Several further emails were exchanged between 5 May 2023 and 10 May 2023 arranging the logistics of the meeting, which were all good-natured, positive, and welcoming [pages 1-6 of AS1]. The Jockey Club proposed that the meeting be held in a neutral location, and Animal Rising agreed. Accordingly, we booked a private meeting at a co-working space, LABS, 90 High Holborn for 11 May 2023. We also confirmed and agreed the attendees in advance, which were, in addition to me, as follows: welcoming [ pages 1-6 of AS1 ]. The Jockey Club proposed that the meeting be held in Animal Rising, Kerri Waters. Ms Waters advised that she was writing on behalf of Animal Epsom Derby, due to be held on 3 June 2023 Derby 1 . She proposed that the another and our respective aims [ page 7 of AS1 ].



A. Stuart Williamson — Chief Corporate Affairs Officer (the Jockey Club); A. Stuart Williamson Chief Corporate Affairs Officer (the Jockey Club);

B. Simon Knapp — Senior Veterinary Officer for London Region Races (the Jockey Club); B. Simon Knapp Senior Veterinary Officer for London Region Races (the Jockey

C. Greg Swift — Director of Communications & Corporate Affairs (British Horseracing Authority); C. Greg Swift Director of Communications & Corporate Affairs (British Horseracing

D. Kern Waters (Animal Rising); and D. Kerri Waters (Animal Rising); and

E. Dan Kidby (The First Respondent, Animal Rising).

The Meeting


The Epsom Derby forms part of the Epsom Festival, for further information in this respect I refer to the Witness Statement of Nevin Truesdale.





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