BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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publicised on their social media channels,3 4 and in Ms Waters email she provided a link to a Facebook event for the same, which shows that, at the date of this statement, 44 guests were confirmed as going and 174 were interested5 [page 11 of AS1]. In respect of the disruption, Ms Waters confirmed Animal Risings "unwavering intention" to stop the Derby by getting on the racecourse, and she invited the Jockey Club to cancel the Derby [page 11 of AS1]. On 20 May 2023, I responded to Ms Waters on behalf of the Jockey Club [page 10 of AS1]. I reconfirmed the Jockey Club's commitment to accommodating the Peaceful Protest and advised that one of my colleagues from the Operations Team would be in touch to discuss and arrange logistics of this. I thanked Ms Waters for Animal Risings' transparency in respect of their unwavering intention to cause a Disruption, noting that they themselves recognised that such action may include conduct which is unlawful. I confirmed that the Jockey Club would work with Surrey Police to take any action necessary to ensure that any protest which caused a disproportionate disruption or risks to the Derby would be dealt with swiftly and decisively. The Jockey Club remains committed to accommodating the Peaceful Protest.





Unfortunately, it is clear to me that Animal Rising has no intention of cancelling the intended Disruption, which, for the reasons set out in more detail in the Witness Statements of Nevin Truesdale and Simon Knapp, is of great concern to the Jockey Club, given that the welfare and safety of the horses and all those attending and participating in the Derby is of paramount importance to the Jockey Club.

Statement of Truth

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth.



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Amy Starkey



3 pages 14 of AS1 4 httos:// pages 15-16 of AS1 5 httos:// page 17 of AS1





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