BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

DocuSign Envelope ID: C64E3264-D4C3-4C0E-BE7C-1C93A1B40431 THE JOCKEY CLUB

Wo are The jockey Club cETTING • HEARTS • RACING


From: Kern Waters <kerri waters@hottnaicom> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 1:31 PM To: Truesdale, Nevin<> Cc: Starkey, Amy <>; Williamson, Stuart <>; Fitzgerald, Jenna <>; Daniel Kidby <d.£> Subject: Re: Animal Rising notice ofaction and offer to meet

I Dear Nevin, Some people who received this message don't often get email from kern Learn why this is important

Thank you for getting back to me quickly.

I have talked to my colleague, Dan, and we would be happy to meet you in London at a date that suits all involved. We would prefer to avoid the 10th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th or 25th May, if possible, due to prior appointments. Please do let me know ifthere are any arrangements we can help with

Looking forward to meeting in person.

Best Wishes,


On 3 May 2023, at 1330, Truesdale, Nevin <> wrote:

Dear Kern


Thank you very much for your email and we have seen the Animal Rising media releases regarding your plans for the Epsom Derby yesterday.

We would be happy to meet with you in the coming weeks and ahead ofthe 3rd June. I have asked my colleagues Amy Starkey, managing director for Epsom Downs racecourse in addition to a number of our other major racecourses and Stuart Williamson our chief corporate affairs officer to represent the Jockey Club at this meeting. AS1/6 It would also make sense to include a representative from the British Horseracing Authority as we are aware that you have also invited them to meet with you. Greg Swift, director of

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