BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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e BHA.

In terms ofdates and location, I will ask Jenna and Stuart to help with diaries and a location. I think London would best for the team.

We look forward to hearing fromyou.

Kind Regards Nevin




Front Kerri Waters <kerri waters@hotmaicom> Sent: 02 May2023 11:11 To: Dudgeon, Sandy <Sandy.Dudgeon®>; Truesdale, Nevin <>

Cc: The Jockey Club <> Subject: Animal Rising notice ofaction and offer to meet

Some people who received this message don't often get email from Learn why this is important Dear Sandy and Nevin,

Myname is Kerri and I am writing to you as a representative of Animal Rising, we are the movement who nonviolently disrupted the Grand National and Scottish Grand National earlier this month.

I am writing to you out ofrespect to you, the JockeyClub, and those you represent, to personallyinform you that todaywe have announced plans to mobilise 1,000 people to disrupt Epsom Derbyas we continue our campaign to protect horses and create a national conversation about our broken relationship with animals.

I would also like to propose that we have an in-person meeting, in private and awayfrom the media circus, so we can all get around the table in an effort to understand one another a bit better.

If you are interested in meeting then please let us know what dates might work for you. My colleague, Dan Kidby, and I would be willing to travel up to a please which is convenient for you.

I look forward to hear back from you,

Kerri Waters Animal Rising

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