BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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Jockey Club / Animal Rising — 11May 2023

Greg Swift (BHA); Amy Starkey (Jockey Club), Simon Knapp (Epsom Vet and WHB) and Stuart Williamson (Jockey Club) met with Dan Kidby and Kerri Waters, Animal Rising in London.

The meeting was arranged following an invitation from KW to the Jockey Club and presented an opportunity for those from racing to better understand the intentions and plans of AR in relation to the Derby.


The meeting was good natured and respectful with both parties clearly setting out their respective positions. Both sides were also clear and direct in their position in relation to the Derby with the Jockey Club underlining its respect and support for peaceful protest within the limits of the law and Animal Rising clearly stating their intent to disrupt the race. Despite this there is no change to plans from Animal Rising who remain committed to their campaign of disrupting the Derby. We feel on balance that this was a worthwhile meeting.

Impact on the Derby:

We asked AR about the intent and plans to disrupt the Derby. They have confirmed their aim is to stop the race but do not plan to interrupt during racing. We directly asked for the specifics of their plans but AR would not disclose this detail. We underlined our respect for peaceful protest and offered to create a space for protestors.

Impact on welfare of all involved:

We outlined the high risk to the safety of equine and human participants with SK explaining the difference between jump and flat horses and the routine and conditions that need to be created for the welfare of the horse. He explained that delay to the race poses a risk to the welfare of the animals. We asked AR to take this into consideration in their plans and they said they will feed all comments back to their teams. In response, they challenged us to cancel the race if it is disrupted. We said we would not be cancelling the race but underlined the veterinary and medical support for all participants around the course and that welfare and safety of all was our first aim.

Alternative means of achieving objectives:

We asked AR whether there were alternative routes to achieving their aims and outlined some insights we saw from our own consumer polling showing little sympathy for the cause. This did not change their position.

Issues with racing:

The conversation turned, prompted by AR, to some of issues they have with horse racing including breaking in, breeding to race an animal and the financial gain. We were able to robustly push back on all points. We challenged around some of the issues they raised particularly around horse ownership.



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