BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

DocuSign Envelope ID: C64E3264-D4C3-4C0E-BE7C-1C93A1B40431

Summary of AR:

AR outlined some of the philosophies behind their campaigns at the heart of which is a desire to surface some of the inherent tensions and conflicts around animal welfare. They stressed they are a non violent movement and believe in creating a positive environment when protesting. We challenged the risk that their movement attracts more radical protesters to the race day and racecourse and asked them how they control this. They confirmed that they are looking for the end of horseracing (as well as animal farming and fishing) and believe that the means through legal and non-legal means will help bring this about. It was clear that they are prepared to break the law to bring about change. We strongly underlined the fact that while we respect their right to protest as legitimate, means legally, they should be very mindful of the fact that horseracing is a legitimate past time for millions of people, and we challenged their motives in this respect.



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