BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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lona Wilson

lona Wilson

From: Sent:

21 May 2023 13:39

lona Wilson


FW: Meeting follow-up


From: Starkey, Amy Sent: 20 May 2023 20:05 To: Kerri Waters <kerri> Cc: Daniel Kidby <>; Truesdale, Nevin <>; Williamson, Stuart <>; Durrant, Simon <> Subject: RE: Meeting follow-up

Dear Kerri,

Many thanks for your email and for confirming your plans for the event you are looking to stage outside the racecourse. As we discussed in our meeting and continue to reference publicly, we believe it's really important that everyone has the right to protest in a peaceful and law-abiding way, so we're pleased that you'll be taking up our offer of a space to use for this purpose. In terms of logistics, I will ensure that Simon (copied) from our Operations Team is in touch to discuss the transportation, drop-off and collection of the equipment you will need on the day and any other information we'll find useful to help us plan ahead. I would also like to thank you for your transparency when highlighting Animal Rising's determination to disrupt The Derby by breaching security and gaining access to the race track. As you reference yourself, this course of action is unlawful and compromises the safety of everyone at the event, including equine and human participants, members of the public and yourselves. As such we make no apology for having to consider every option available to us to ensure that the event goes ahead safely. With this in mind we would like to take this opportunity to repeat our plea to Animal Rising not to engage in any form of protest which significantly risks the safety of yourselves and others, including by seeking to prevent or delay the races. We will have security measures in place on and around the site and will be working closely with Surrey Police to ensure that any protests which cause disproportionate disruption or risks, are dealt with swiftly and decisively. I also appreciate you referencing your conversation with the Mail on Sunday this week. Sabrina Miller has indeed been in touch with our Communications Team and we have provided a short statement reiterating our commitment to staging the event and prioritising the safety of everyone in attendance. We remain grateful for your continued communication and respect for our own views — as we are of yours. If you have any further information you believe we should know or if your plans develop between now and the event please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks and best wishes Amy


+44 (0) 7901 716233



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