BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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From: Kerri Waters [mailto:kerri] Sent: 19 May 2023 23:21 To: Starkey, Amy <> Cc: Daniel Kidby <>; Truesdale, Nevin <>; Williamson, Stuart <> Subject: Re: Meeting follow-up

You don't often get email from kern Learn why this is important Dear Amy,

I'd like to pass on a huge thank you from our team and we gladly accept your kind offer of a dedicated area outside the racecourse. We are planning a family-friendly event that includes soapbox races, competitions, an open mic session, music and arts and crafts. Far from a traditional `protest', we want to show an alternative and encourage the public to join in the fun. That invitation is extended towards you and the rest of the team at Epsom, who would be warmly welcomed by us in the spirit of friendship. Here is the Facebook event for the day with more information and for you to share:

Logistically, we will need to drop off our equipment that morning in our van. Is this something you could help facilitate in order to reassure the police and comply with any traffic restrictions in place for race day?

I completely understand your motivations in protecting the race and also share your concerns for the consequences we face in taking disruptive action due to the Public Order Act. A 10 year sentence for being an `annoyance' is wildly disproportionate for nonviolent protesters! At this juncture, I hope we've convinced you of our integrity and commitment to being openly honest with you. That is why I can confirm we are unwavering in our intention to stop the race by getting on the race course using nonviolent means, no matter the sacrifice we make to our own personal liberty and comfort. To be further transparent with you and return the respect you've shown us, I want to give you a heads up that our media team has spoken to the Mail On Sunday about our plans. They passed on a quote from an unnamed source inside the Jockey Club given to the team from a trusted journalistic source. I believe the source said the race is "unpoliceable". I can assure you we have not told the media about our meeting last week and continued dialogue as we stand by our promise to keep this out of the press. It's likely you'll have been approached for comment, but if not then please reach out to Sabrina Miller of the Mail on Sunday as you have the right to reply. Let me know if you need her contact details. After listening to your points of view last week, it is clear your team is deeply and emotionally invested in the welfare of horses. I recognise your sincere plea for us to reconsider was rooted in genuine care for every human and horse involved. The same compassion for life means we are bound by conviction to do what is right and stop the race. Our sincere plea to you is to cancel the Derby to eliminate all risk and reconcile our shared desire for a just and peaceful outcome. There really isn't that much that divides us.

In the knowledge that this situation is both conflictual and unifying, I am wishing your team all the best for the work ahead in the next few weeks and hope this discussion continues.

Kerri Waters

On 18 May 2023, at 15:01, Starkey, Amy <> wrote:

Dear Dan and Kerri,

Thank you for meeting with us last week and for explaining to us your position.


As I explained at the meeting, we remain deeply committed to accommodating your right to p898 and respectful protest, which does not interfere with the event. In this regard, we would like to 2 AS1/11


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