BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

lona Wilson

From: Sent:

lona Wilson

24 May 2023 11:30


lona Wilson


FW: Application for an injunction

From: "Starkey, Amy" <> Date: May 22, 2023 at 18:36:00 GMT+2 To: Daniel Kidby <>

Cc: Kerri Waters <kerri>, "Williamson, Stuart" <>, "Truesdale, Nevin" <>, "Durrant, Simon" <> Subject: Application for an injunction

Dear Dan,

By now, you will be aware of our decision to apply for an injunction to prevent trespass at Epsom Downs during the Derby Festival with the intention of protecting the race goers, horses, jockeys and also protestors attending the event. Given our open communication throughout, it is important to me to ensure we carry on communicating in that spirit. I wanted to explain how we arrived at the conclusion that seeking an injunction is a necessary step for The Jockey Club to take. As we have stated both in person and in all our communications with you, our number one priority will always be to ensure that the safety of all our equine and human participants and the thousands of racegoers who join us at Epsom Downs is not compromised. You have always been entirely transparent when highlighting Animal Rising's determination to disrupt The Derby by breaching security and gaining access to the racetrack. As you know, this course of action threatens the safety of everyone at the event. As such, we feel obliged to explore every option available to us to deter those who might be considering acting in this way, and to respond decisively if the intended actions go ahead. The decision to apply for an injunction is not something we have taken lightly. It was arrived at after significant consideration, together with Surrey Police and other stakeholders. Ultimately, we felt we had no option in light of your commitment to disrupting the races. The injunction sought would be an important and necessary addition to the many other robust security measures we are implementing to ensure the event can go ahead safely. Please be reassured that our application has no bearing whatsoever on our offer of a space outside the racecourse for Animal Rising to protest peacefully, which we very much hope you will continue to accept. That space is clearly identifiable and we welcome you to use it for peaceful protest. We make no apology for doing all we can to protect the safety and enjoyment of those who attend Epsom Downs in their thousands, and the experience of millions more at home and around the world who enjoy a race which has taken place since 1780. As we have repeated in all our communications with you, we urge Animal Rising to abandon your plans to disrupt the Derby Festival. We reiterate a respect for your views, and hope that we may maintain a dialogue in the build-up to The Derby Festival. If there is any further information you wish to share with us relating to your plans, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks and best wishes, Amy






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