BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Certificate of service

aaimnb BL-2023-000713

N3rredairt High Court of Justice The Business & Property Courts Miredaairrent Jockey Club Racecourses Limited

On what day did you serve?

2 2




Nvred Ilfenchrt (1) Daniel Frank Peter Kidby (2) - (8) Persons Unknown

The date of service is

2 2




(1) Sealed Claim Form (2) Application Notice (3) Sealed Application Notice (4) Witness Statements of Nevin Truesdale, Dickon White, Amy Starkey, Simon Knapp (5) Response Pack

What documents did you serve? Reemattachoopiasofthedocurnentsyou hat,enotalreadyfiledwiththecourt. On whom did you serve? (ffappropriateindudetheirpodtion eg.partner,director).

The First Defendant

How did you serve the documents? Oleawtidctheapproptiatebo4 by first class post or other service which provides for delivery on the next business day by delivering to or leaving at a permitted place by personally handing it to or leaving it with ( time left, where document is other than a claim torm) (pleampzif0 v

Give the address where service effected, include fax or DX number, e-mail address or other electronic identification 3 St Michaels Place, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 4PJ

te defendant's

Being the

claimant's solicitor's

litigation friend

r v

usual residence last known residence place of business

by other means permitted by the court aiesmspedf31

principal place of business last known place of business last known principal place of business

by Document Exchange by fax machine (

principal office of the partnership principal office of the corporation principal office of the company place of business of the partnership/company/ corporation within thejurisdiction with a connection to claim other 03993 sped& Dl's residence at address confirmed by person (who was at the address)

time sent, where document is other than a claim form) (you maywanttoendowaoppy ofthetransnissionshed) by other electronic means (.15:50 time sent, where document is other than a claim form) Oleams:recif0 Email


I believe that the facts stated in this certificate are true. Full name Julian Diaz-Rainey


Position or office held



(If signing on behalf of firn1'oF c pany)

(Claimant) fi

t) ('s solicitor) (191X01.1410660311)



2 4 / 0 5 / 2 0 2 3

N215 Certificate of service (09.11)

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