BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Rules relating to the service of documents are contained in Part 6 of the Civil Procedure Rules ( and you should refer to the rules for information. Calculation of deemed day of service of a claim A claim form served within the UK in accordance with Part 6 of the Civil Procedure rules is deemed to be served on the second business day after the claimant has completed the steps required by CPR 7.5(1).

Calculation of the deemed day of service of documents other than the claim form (CPR 6.26)

Method of service

Deemed day of service

First class post or other service which provides for delivery on the next business day

The second day after it was posted, left with, delivered to or collected by the relevant service provider provided that day is a business day; or if not, the next business day after that day The second day after it was left with, delivered to or collected by the relevant service provider provided that day is a business day; or if not, the next business day after that day If it is delivered to or left at the permitted address on a business day before 4.30pm, on that day; or in any other case, on the next business day after that day If the transmission of the fax is completed on a business day before 4.30pm, on that day; or in any other case, on the next business day after the day on which it was transmitted If the email or other electronic transmission is sent on a business day before 4.30pm, on that day; or in any other case, on the next business day after the day on which it was sent If the document is served personally before 4.30pm on a business day, it is served on that day; or in any other case, on the next business day after that day

Document exchange

Delivering the document to or leaving it at a permitted address


Other electronic method

Personal service

In this context 'business day' means any day except Saturday, Sunday or a bank holiday; (under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 in the part of the UK where service is to take place) includes Good Friday and Christmas Day.



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