BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

the conversation, and I thank Amy for recording them. Though I do note that as a summary some parts/details of the conversation have been omitted, and some parts of the reported minutes are more interpretation than plain reporting "we were able to robustly push back on all points". If we have time before Friday we may provide an alternative set of minutes which can act as a supplement to these. There are other things which I would contest from witness statements, such as the claim in paragraph 32.2 of Dickon White's witness statement that we put the horses, jockeys and ourselves at risk of serious halal, and other claims about the welfare of horses in racing, but I believe the appropriate place for that is in the courtroom.

With care,


Dan Kidby Co-Founder Animal Rising (formerly Animal Rebellion)

"The times are urgent, let us slow down" — Bayo Akomolafe

"These cows seem as rebellious to their owners as the people are to their kings" — Fynes Moryson

From: Iona Wilson <> Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 20:47 To: d.f.p.kidby@outlook.coni <> Cc: Julian Diaz-Rainey <>; Trevor Watkins <>; Alexander Richardson (Litigation, Regulatory & Tax) <> Subject: RE: JCR v (1) Daniel Kidby; and (2)-(8) Persons Unknown

Dear Mr Kidby,

Further to the below, please find attached a draft copy of the bundle index we intend to file with the Court for the hearing on Friday 26 May 2023. Please let us know if you have any comments by noon tomorrow, 24 May 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Pinsent Masons LLP

From: lona Wilson Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 3:50 PM To: Cc: Julian Diaz-Rainey <>; Trevor Watkins <>; Alexander Richardson (Litigation, Regulatory & Tax) <> Subject: JCR v (1) Daniel Kidby; and (2)-(8) Persons Unknown

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