BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 20:47 To: <> Cc: Julian Diaz-Rainey <>; Trevor Watkins <>; Alexander Richardson (Litigation, Regulatory & Tax) <> Subject: RE: JCR v (1) Daniel Kidby; and (2)-(8) Persons Unknown

Dear Mr Kidby,

Further to the below, please find attached a draft copy of the bundle index we intend to file with the Court for the hearing on Friday 26 May 2023. Please let us know if you have any comments by noon tomorrow, 24 May 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Pinsent Masons LLP

From: lona Wilson Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 3:50 PM To: Cc: Julian Diaz-Rainey <>; Trevor Watkins <>; Alexander Richardson (Litigation, Regulatory & Tax) <> Subject: JCR v (1) Daniel Kidby; and (2)-(8) Persons Unknown

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File(s): Witness Statement of Amy Starkey and Exhibit - 22 May 2023 (Final) (Signed).pdf Witness Statement of Dickon White and Exhibit 22 May 2023 (Final) (Signed).pdf Witness Statement of Nevin Truesdale and Exhibit 22 May 2023 (Final) (Signed).pdf Endorsed Application Notice N244 21052023(140249495(140259774.1).pdf Sealed Claim Form and additional sheet 22 May 2023(140252735.1).pdf Witness Statement of Simon Knapp - 22 May 2023 (Final) (Signed).pdf n208c-eng Notes for Defendant Part 8 claim.pdf N210_1122_save AoS.pdf

Dear Mr Kidby

Please find enclosed for your urgent attention:


Sealed Claim Form dated 22 May 2023; Sealed Application Notice dated 22 May 2023;


iii. iv.

Witness Statement and Exhibit of Nevin Truesdale dated 22 May 2023; Witness Statement and Exhibit of Amy Starkey dated 22 May 2023; Witness Statement and Exhibit of Dickon White dated 22 May 2023; Witness Statement of Simon Knapp dated 22 May 2023; and Acknowledgement of Service Documents (Forms N208 and N210).




Please acknowledge receipt of this email.

Yours faithfully,

Pinsent Masons LLP IMPORTANT NOTICE: This email is sent on behalf ofPinsent Masons LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in Engle 4 d Vy3les 266 485

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